DC Blog claims Christie “seriously considering” ending campaign (but doesn’t cite sources)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

chris christie green tie seriousThat’s the claim. He’s “seriously considering” dropping out of the GOP primary race before Labor Day according to a report on the gossip-oriented DCWhispers political blog, Save Jerseyans.

Color me skeptical. He’s raising a ton of money (unlike poor Rick Perry), thinks he’s got an opening with Jeb Bush’s polling problems AND isn’t exactly the quitting type. The story also fails to cite a single source (though the site is fairly well-read in national conservative circles).

All the same, anyone who knows Christie World knows that only a few souls – including the Governor – have any idea what’s going on at any given time. And thus far, even though it’s very, very early, he hasn’t been able to move the polling needle. What’s more, Governor Christie reportedly told high-ranking GOP officials in the spring that he wouldn’t stay in the race if he no longer believed he could win. 

An air of truth? Or just… whispers?

I don’t predict you’ll see CJC bow out until (1) the money dries up, (2) money starts being spent in battleground states with no result – it’s still sooooo early – or (3) both. We’re unlikely to hit that point for weeks, if not months…

Click here for the full story.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Why doesn’t anyone report on where Hilary’s Email server was found in New Jersey? Seems like some reporter could get a scoop on interviewing the people who had possession of the server. Where it was stored, how it was safeguarded with classified information on it, who paid them to store it, who asked them to wipe it clean, what did the FBI take away, was it like one computer or a bunch, were the files backed up?. Lots of questions and no one seems interested in looking into it. Not NJ.com, not any of the local media. There should be camera crews and reporters all over the place. Yet – the location has not even been reported. something is not right here.

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