Trump hits 30% in South Carolina; Christie at 2%

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Republican pollster Frank Luntz’s assessment that Donald Trump might be “impossible to take down” in the GOP primary seems a bit premature several months before the first primary, Save Jerseyans, but new results from Patrick Murray’s non-partisan Monmouth University Poll invite speculation.

south carolinaIn the critical “first in the South” South Carolina primary, Trump now garners 30% of likely voters. His closest competitor is Dr. Ben Carson at 15%, followed distantly by Jeb Bush (9%), Marco Rubio (6%), Carly Fiorina (6%), Ted Cruz (5%), and then Scott Walker (4%).  Hometown U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham finds only 4% support while John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, and Rand Paul net 3% a piece.  

Chris Christie? 2%.

“Political experience is not a particularly valuable commodity this primary season,” observed Murray.

Click here for the full polling report.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Dr. Ben Carson! The Country is very sick; we need a Doctor in office!!! #healinspirerevive #imwithben. Semper fi! Imagine what we could accomplish if we stop letting people divide us and we stop working together! #healinspirerevive Dr. Ben Carson for President! Shalom!!!

  2. P.S. I believe that poll is falsified; Dr. Carson is in the top in S.C., along with above Hillary Clinton! May the best man win; heal us, good Dr., inspire us, good Dr., and revive us, good Dr. Ben Carson! Semper Shalom!!!

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  1. NH POLL: Kasich-squeezed Christie at 4%, Trump leading with 35%, Fiorina now in 3rd | The Save Jersey Blog

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