Westampton’s Democrat Mayor loses it: “I have no respect for you, sir!”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s obvious that the 2015 Westampton challengers are getting under the skin of the ruling majority, Save Jerseyans. And we have the footage to prove it as if the last-minute departure of one incumbent wasn’t proof enough…

Democrat Carolyn Chang‘s mayoral term ends on December 31st. That’s a good thing given the contempt with which she treated GOP committee candidate Abraham Lopez at a September 22nd township committee meeting. Long story made short, Lopez asked a tough but respectfully-crafted question about a controverial apartment complex development project on Burlington-Mount Holly Road. Lopez and his running mate, Maureen Smith-Hartman, had presented at the last meeting held earlier in September along with over 100 other residents concerned about the project. On Tuesday, Lopez wanted to know more about the decision-making process, and whether the town has been properly advertising to the public in order to allow for their comments.

“It’s a regular meeting Mr. Lopez, a regular meeting that’s advertised. Perhaps it was advertised before you moved here,” Change dismissively responded.

A little unnecessarily nasty, right? But then, when Abraham calmly but forcefully accused the mayor of having no respect for taxpayers given her angry and dismissive tone, something snapped and Chang flipped her lid:


We often talk about the importance of temperament in the public arena.

Is this how the mayor of a town should treat anyone? Particularly when the original question was hardly nasty or inappropriate by any objective standard?

Regrettably, this type of behavior is all-too common particularly when liberals are at the reins. I recently shared footage with you from Hamilton (Atlantic County), about an hour away, where a Democrat committee member suggested to a dissenting young Republican member that there should be a minimum age for local office.

The party of “tolerance,” you say? Don’t make me laugh!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Mayor Chang Horses Ass, Chang, Chang, Chang Goes the Bell | Westampton Chalk-Board
  2. Westampton Dems bail on debate; GOP cries foul over suspect mailings | The Save Jersey Blog

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