Christie: #BlackLivesMatter movement “calls for the murder of police officers”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

People don’t want “bipartisanship.” That’s just something they THINK they’re supposed to tell the pollsters to avoid sounding like a bad person. The truth is far more attractive. Contrast is what wins transformative elections. For starters, some straight-talk on this #BlackLivesMatter nonsense would be a good start…

Here’s Chris Christie’s attempt to re-frame the date on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday:

Listen, you know John, that’s what the movement is creating. And the president of the United States is justifying that. But not only that, he hasn’t backed up police officers from the minute he’s gotten into office. We could cite instance after instance. And there’s the lawlessness about no sanctuary cities. We should not have sanctuary cities in this country. The president countenances that. That type of lawlessness sets a tone, and then when you have liberal mayors like Bill de Blasio in New York who are basically tying one hand behind the backs of police officers, and then we have folks – the murder rate up 11%, police officers in new york city being murdered. Let me tell you very clearly – I’ll be a president who will back up law enforcement, back up police officers because I was a law enforcement officer, I know how hard these jobs are, and they need to be backed up. When there are bad cops, they need to be prosecuted, like there are bad lawyers and bad doctors and bad engineers, they all need to be prosecuted when they do something wrong. But our police officers are putting their lives on the line everyday. Let’s back them up so we can end the real violence in this country, which is happening in the streets of our cities all across this country.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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