Wisconsin was a “Must-Win” for Vanquished Santorum

Let’s call a spade a spade, Save Jerseyans.

Rick Santorum needed to win tonight but nevertheless fell far, far short of his goal.

Heading into today’s Maryland, Wisconsin and District of Columbia primaries, Mitt Romney led Senator Santorum by 303 delegates, 566 to 263. A grand total of 98 delegates were on the line between these three “winner-take-all” states.

Unfortunately for Rick, Mitt will walk away with the vast majority of them; he looks to win MD and DC tonight (the later of which Santorum failed to qualify for) with 50%+ of the vote and exit polls in Wisconsin project an 11-point plus win in battleground Wisconsin. It is now officially mathematically near-impossible for Santorum to win this nomination without a long-shot convention floor fight, folks. Numbers can’t lie.

Although sometimes people sometimes lie, often to themselves.

More ominous still? Romney is closing fast in Santorum’s home state of Pennsylvania.

A new poll out today shows him up just 6-points in a state where he serves as U.S. Senator. He led by as much as 20-points last month. Rightly or wrongly. relatively-young Rick Santorum’s hopes of a future in national Republican politics will be dashed if he drags it out that long AND drops his home state in the process.

The folks around Rick Santorum need to wake up and save this guy’s career before hubris and hard-feelings transform a hard-fought loss into a career ending disaster.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I thought it was funny that Santorum was speaking from Mars, PA tonight…usually he speak from Mars the planet.

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