Political Correctness Alert: Monmouth U. debates renaming Wilson Hall

Woodrow Wilson Hall

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Here we go again, Save Jerseyans.

And I predicted this after the Princeton flap.

I’m surprised only by the speed of it all. Only 10-ish days after Princeton University decided to keep Woodrow Wilson’s name attached to university programs, scholarships and a building (but changed its motto), another Central Jersey institution of higher education is preparing to decide if the controversial (and unquestionably racist) Democrat president and governor should remain associated with the university.

Woodrow Wilson Hall
Woodrow Wilson Hall

In fact, Monmouth University is using an online poll at inclusion.monmouth.edu to take the Long Branch-based community’s temperature.

“Our signature building was named after U.S. President Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) who spent time here and announced his 1916 presidential re-election campaign from the site that Wilson Hall stands on today,” the survey explains. “While Wilson made significant contributions as a leader, his legacy also includes troubling views on race. As you may know, a number of higher education institutions are having discussions about Wilson’s legacy. We are currently discussing whether the name Wilson Hall continues to be appropriate for Monmouth.”

The picturesque historic building is a real beauty regardless of what it’s called. Sitting on what was the site of Shadow Lawn mansion, the current 52-room structure dates to 1903. President Wilson stayed in the original mansion during his 1916 campaign. The property’s rich history – including high-profile residents and a devastating mid-20th century fire – culminated with placement on the list of National Historic Landmarks on February 4, 1985.

Princeton’s problems with Wilson started with a public protest.

Why Monmouth is inviting trouble is beyond me. Weakness invites aggression from the P.C. police! The again, I’m not a race-obsessed liberal academic who’s afraid of the political correctness mafia. Why would I understand?

We’ll keep you in the loop…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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