FRAUD: Cory turns on “fear-monger” Trump after taking his family’s money

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

This site has spent years chronicling what U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-Twitter) is willing to do to get ahead, Save Jerseyans.

I’ll relieve you of the suspense: “what” = anything.

On Wednesday, he auditioned (again) for Hilldawg’s vice president at a Newark, New Jersey rally by savaging Donald Trump and his family.

“We have Donald Trump standing up as one of the greatest fear-mongers in this nation’s history. He’s trying to make us afraid of each other,” an animated Booker told the assembled audience of granola eaters, government dependents and aging hippies.

cory ivanka“The issues we hear Donald Trump talking about are just so contrary to who we are as a people,” Booker added. “They are an affront and an insult to our higher angels and our best selves. We have Abraham Lincoln saying, ‘with malice towards none’ and Donald Trump saying ‘with hate for all.'”

Sounds good! Unfortunately for Cory, there’s this thing called the Internet that Al Gore invented. Back in 2013, none other than the lovely Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald Trump, threw a $5,200 per person Park Avenue (Manhattan) fundraiser for the then-Newark Mayor.

Ivanka and her hubby, Jared Kushner, bundled $41,000 for Booker in the run-up to the fundraiser. She’d personally given him $10,400 as of 2015.

Ivanka has donated a LOT of cash to Democrats: $24,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), $7,500 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), $4,400 to then-Senator Hillary Clinton, $10,400 to New Jersey’s Donald Norcross, $7,700 to D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes-Norton, $5,000 to tax cheat Charles Rangel and his National Leadership PAC,  $4,800 to Charles Schumer and $2,000 to Kirsten Gillibrand.

Regular readers know I’m the LAST Republican in New Jersey to defend Donald Trump from charges of being a jerk.

What would you expect me to say about a guy who took money from them and then turned on them, without blinking, to earn another promotion? Someone who is “insult to our higher angels and our best selves”?

Nothing nice.

And don’t pull the whole “that was three years ago” routine on me. Donald Trump wasn’t Pope Francis until five minutes ago.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.