HYPOCRITE: Booker, Author of ‘United’ Book, Urges Americans to “Fight” on Trump’s Inauguration Day

It’s Inauguration Day, Save Jerseyans.

A time to come together and, for at least a few hours, reflect on the majesty of a non-violent transfer of awesome power. Maybe say a prayer for the new man in charge, too, given the equally awesome responsibilities and pressures associated with the highest office in the land.

Not for our old pal Cory Booker (D-Twitter).

Because he’s running in 2020.

“We had an election defeat, but we are not defeated,” Booker wrote in a lengthy Friday morning Facebook screed. “We hurt, we fear, we may even regret that we did not do more. But character is not defined, forged or built in good times. The fire of adversity forges our steel.”

Senator Booker continued on to urge Americans to resist Trump’s presidency.

“… let us never, ever, surrender, forfeit, or retreat from our core values, our fundamental commitments to justice over prejudice; economic inclusion over poverty and unmerited privilege; and, always, love over hate,” Booker added. “Let us speak truth to power; fiercely defend those who are bullied, belittled, demeaned or degraded; and tenaciously fight for all people and the ideals we cherish. It is a new day. We love our country; we will serve it, defend it, and never stop struggling to make its great promise real for all. And no one gets a vote on that.”

At no point in his social media rant did he urge anyone to pray for Trump, be grateful for a bloodless democratic process, or indicate his willingness to find common ground. The usual things a decent person/real leader says on a momentous occasion despite how he/she really feels inside.

And this is, in case, you’ve forgotten the guy who wrote a book titled United….

Despite having spent most of the election shilling, posturing and ultimately race-baiting….

Then broke with Senate tradition and sandbagged (slandered, if we’re being honest) his own colleague….

What would it have cost Trump to get a little class out of New Jersey’s junior senator on Inauguration Day?

Probably $442,678

Ideally, he’d take a cue from jis party’s 2016 nominee, Hillary Clinton, who said “Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead” in her concession speech.

Knock it off, Cory. Stop running for one day. Please. It’s gross and, with protesters in the streets, more than a little irresponsible.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.