UPDATE: Rutgers President Openly Lobbies for Illegal Immigrants

Rutgers students attend a legislative committee hearing in February 2012.

Do you remember, back in December, when Rutgers President Robert Barchi indicated his openness to a university-wide “sanctuary campus,” Save Jerseyans, where illegal immigrants could work/learn/hang out without fear of federal action?

Well, on Tuesday, Barchi took it to the next level and came out in favor of the so-called Bridge Act.

Rutgers students attend a legislative committee hearing in February 2012. (Photo Credit: SaveJersey.com)

“Many students at the University have called for protections for undocumented students. This legislation would provide those protections,” Barchi said in his latest e-mail blast. “If you feel strongly about this issue, I encourage you to follow the directions below to send an automatic letter to your US Senators and your member in the House of Representatives.”

Forget midterms, kids!

Ask Uncle Sam to help non-citizens break the law and recoup more of your hard-working parents’ cash!

A little quick background: the Bridge Act was introduced by both Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Dick Durbin (D-IL), also in December, to provide for a “provisional protected presence” for the individuals implicated by former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

“In my view, the DACA Executive Order issued by President Obama was unconstitutional and President-elect Trump would be right to repeal it,” Graham asserted at the time of introduction. “However, I do not believe we should pull the rug out and push these young men and women — who came out of the shadows and registered with the federal government — back into the darkness. Our legislation continues to provide legal status to them for three years as Congress seeks a permanent solution.”

Don’t make the mistake of thinking RU’s involvement here is motivated by altruistic (albeit badly misguided) liberal ideology. They want the dollars. Your dollars.

Rutgers receives hundreds of millions annually from Trenton and, as I’ve complained before, uses that cash to push a radical political agenda and subsidize tuition for plenty of people who are not (to borrow a favorite liberal phrase) “paying their fair share.”

Would the students receiving Barchi’s email feel quite as bullish about his politicking on the other side of their degrees? When Sallie Mae comes calling? And the cost of subsidizing this nonsense comes home to roost?

Doubtful. Take it from a student loan paying American.

I’ll say it again before we close:

When is a Republican in Trenton going to grow a pair and raise the issue of defunding this nightmare? 

And I say that as an alumnus of the RU system, by the way, who’s sick and tired of watching Rutgers University’s continued slide into lawlessness and madness, straying further all the time from its core educational mission.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.