Ciattarelli, Guadagno Camps Skirmish Over ‘’ Site, Debate Ducking Allegations

A screenshot from the


The N.J. GOP primary got a little hotter on Thursday, Save Jerseyans, when gubernatorial candidate Asm. Jack Ciattarelli accused Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno and her campaign of ducking his 21-county debate challenge.

“Back on January 18th, I issued a challenge to you. Namely, to hold debates in all 21 New Jersey counties so Republicans in every corner of our state can hear substantive discussion and judge for themselves who is best to lead our party and beat Wall Street’s Phil Murphy,” Ciattarelli explained in an open letter to Guadagno which was released Thursday by his campaign to the media.

“This challenge was also offered to the other candidates. To their credit, both Joe Rullo and Steve Rogers accepted immediately.  Unfortunately, 14+ days later, there is no word from you,” added Ciattarelli.

To put a fine point on the issue?

The Ciattarelli forces launched a brand new attack website simultaneous with the debate release — called — with a digital clock counting the seconds since the Lieutenant Governor alleged ignored Assemblyman Ciattarelli’s debate challenge.

“I renew my debate challenge to you today.  If you have an alternative proposal, I welcome the opportunity to review. It is, however, time to get serious about the Republican nomination,” concluded Ciattarelli. “Whether five or 500 debate attendees, the New Jersey Republican Party deserves the most serious, transparent and viable candidate in order to win this November’s gubernatorial election.”

The Guadagno campaign shrugged of their rival’s salvos when reached for comment.

“Sounds to me like their campaign is really struggling to get attention in the media,” said Guadagno Campaign Manager David Huguenel in a statement obtained exclusively by Save Jersey. “We have said numerous times that unlike Phil Murphy who wants to buy every vote, Kim Guadagno intends to earn every vote and she fully intends to debate. Not only does the public financing law require it, she is eager to participate in debates.”


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