Citing Skyrocketing Cost Estimates, Guadagno Calls On Christie to Halt State House Renovations

A $450 million project cost overrun is reason enough for second look, right?

Considering it’s 2.5-times more than was originally projected?

There’s disagreement in the Administration on that point.

After reports leaked that ongoing State House renovations could reach $750 million over the next 30 years — not the $300 million originally peddled to sell the deal — Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno called on Chris Christie to halt the project pending the results of November’s gubernatorial election, leaving the decision to the state’s next chief executive.

“We have much bigger priorities in New Jersey than this, and I like so many New Jerseyans are confused and concerned as to why this project is being rushed through so hastily,” said Guadagno on Friday. “With less than nine months left in his term, the governor should allow the next governor to fully vet this project, study the true costs and make an informed decision because of the huge long-term ramifications for the state and its finances.”

Opposing the controversial State House project has been a cornerstone of the Lieutenant Governor’s gubernatorial primary season online advertising campaigns; seemingly in retaliation for her perceived insubordination, the Governor relocated Guadagno’s staff several blocks from its current location, purportedly to make way for front office staff relocated by the construction.

On Thursday, the NJ Economic Development Authority signed off on $300 million in new bonds to finance the planned renovations to the historic building.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.