United Against Big Labor, @GovChristie Heads to Wisconsin for Walker Tomorrow

Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) will head to Wisconsin tomorrow to boost Governor Scott Walker (R-WI).

The latest polls shows the controversial Walker building a narrow lead. It’s going to be a squeaker either way as Republicans work to beat back a rare recall attempt. Please consider lending your support if you haven’t done so already. Every little bit helps!

In many ways, Save Jerseyans, this Wisconsin contest could foreshadow our own Governor’s reelection campaign next year. Both men have been pioneers in the battle to rein in public employee unions; as a direct result, they’ve set themselves up as prime electoral targets of the Big Labor establishment. Make no mistake about it: the same folks trying to take Walker out on June 5th will be coming for Chris Christie next November. We need to be ready, and the best defense is a good offense! Both at home and abroad… in Wisconsin, for instance.

Consider how Governor Christie’s likely Democrat challenger in 2013, state Senator Babs Buono, is herself a union lap dog; she’s already bashing Governor Christie and waiving her union label ahead of his campaign trip.

It’s gross.

Always undeterred by his ideological opponents, Governor Christie was there for Walker in October 2010, too; he correctly predicted that “leadership can make a difference” for a state like New Jersey and Wisconsin (something neither governors’ public detractors would now deny!):



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Oh those 40 hour work weeks, fair pay, child labor laws, safe working conditions are to much for the job creaters to handle. I am one that will work to send Christie back to the buffet line where he belongs.

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