The NYT’s ‘Moderate Guadagno’ Piece is Idiotic, Especially in Light of Recent Events

Lenin reading newspaper (not today's New York Times opinion page, but he would've loved it)

There was a very cute New York Times story this weekend on the “moderate” Guadagno campaign (the inference being that Republicans are ordinarily extremists).

There are several Jersey-specific problems with this thesis (e.g. since when do the N.J. Republicans run rip-roaring movement conservatives for high office?). We’ll revisit that stuff later, maybe in a separate post. 

For now, let’s drill down on the “who’s an extremist” angle:

  • The modern Democrat Party still can’t get over a months-old election, and its members are
  • Parading around in the streets sporting vagina-themed apparel,
  • Celebrating assassination plays and memes,
  • Rocking “Hunt Republicans” hashtags,
  • Crushing on politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who’d make Karl Marx blush and JFK resemble Jesse Helms, and
  • Running states like Illinois into the ground, Venezuela-style….

I could keep going because the list keeps growing.

The Democrat Party is out of its gourd. It in no way resembles the part of Kennedy and Truman (other than the machine bosses and voter fraud). 

Yet it’s the Republican Party, in New Jersey and elsewhere, that desperately needs to “moderate” this cycle??


Toilet paper has more credibility than the NYT these days, Save Jerseyans, and idiotic stories like this one are the reason why.

What’s more, the lessons of 2016 and Georgia 6 are evidently still lost on these people. That’s good news for those awful “extremist” GOP’ers but, perhaps, equally bad news for this conservative blogger’s sanity.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.