Obama Raises $1 Million in First 90 Minutes After Gay Marriage Flip-Flop

When presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney changes his mind, Save Jerseyans, he is castigated over the airwaves as a dishonest “flip-flopper.”

After liberal boogeyman Dick Cheney declared he personally supports gay marriage but believes it should remain a state-by-state determination, the chattering class said… absolutely nothing?

But if the DEMOCRAT President of the United States echoes a former REPUBLICAN Vice President — almost three full years later, mind you — and backs gay marriage, then he is deemed to be an “evolving” visionary worthy of praise, adoration, and electoral support.

And a $1 million campaign cash infusion? In 90 minutes? From Buzzfeed:

After three years of political compromise on issues from health care reform to spending cuts, Obama delivered a surprise gift to what many of his core supporters view as the civil rights issue of the day, simply by saying what everyone assumed he believed. But the distinction between implying a change and saying it outright will more than symbolic in the crucial area of campaign fundraising. Already, gay donors, mostly men, reportedly constitute 1 in 6 of Obama’s top fundraisers known as bundlers. And in the first 90 minutes after the news broke Wednesday, the campaign received $1 million in spontaneous contributions, a Democrat told BuzzFeed.”

Today’s announcement follows months of sluggish donation reports for Obama, Inc.

So maybe today’s epic “flip” has nothing to do with conviction? Perhaps it’s just evidence of an embattled president tiring of relying on Jon Corzine? Barack Obama did, after all, definitively declare his opposition to gay marriage as recently as 2004.

Not cynicism, folks. I simply have my eyes open!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I don't think this will help Obama politically. Did it helpf Corzine politically to back gay marriage (although it may have been irrelevant to most voters)? It doesn't matter whether 50% of the public supports gay marriage or not. It matters who is going to vote because of this issue.

    Maybe people don't give a damn about gay marriage. But the

    If you look at the vote in NC, it seems that the people who were motivated to vote on the issue were against gay marriage. There may be a lot of people who wouldn't have turned out in this election who will turn out now. And, that is probably not good news for Obama.

  2. Maybe if the cowardly Republicans stand up to the lunatik bigoted fringe that has taken over their party this wouldn't be such a bi-partisan issue.

    "With Liberty and Justice for some" is unconstitutional.

  3. i think gay people sholud be allowed to marry eachother and have it called marrage. I think its just discriminating when they dont allow it to be called marrage just because the two people are of the same sex. Marrage is supposed to be the union of two people who love eachother, it sholudnt matter what your gender is.

  4. This has brought about many problems for the people of Libya.
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