AFP-New Jersey releases ’16-’17 taxpayer scorecard

By The Staff

How well did your state representatives defend your interests (and bank account) over the last two years?

You can click here to read Americans for Property-New Jersey’s 2016-2017 scorecard which was released Tuesday morning.

The only three Democrats to escape a negative score?

LD1’s legislative team of Jeff Van Drew, Bob Andrzejcak and Bruce Land scored a “taxpayer neutral” rating. Van Drew (the southernmost legislative district’s state senate) is currently running for Frank LoBiondo’s House seat but receiving blow back from the Left for his carefully-crafted “moderate” persona.

On the Republican side, six current Republican legislators (Addiego, Bramnick, Clifton, Dancer, DeCroce, and Howarth) also received a ‘neutral’ designation while five other sitting Republicans (Oroho, Singer, Brown, Kean, Rible) were deemed ‘allies of big government’ by APF-NJ.

The crop of Republicans who fared poorly in AFP-NJ’s estimation — including a few ranked for ’16 and ’17 who have since left the legislature like Joe Kyrillos and Kevin O’Toole — were disproportionately supportive of the widely-panned October 2016 gas tax/TTF package relative to the GOP caucus as a whole; Phil Murphy has since decided to restore the state’s 7% sales tax rate which was lowered, slightly, in a vain attempt to offset the gas tax hike’s impact.

How are the scores tabulated?

“Scores are calculated based on total votes taken on AFP-New Jersey’s priority bills. Each vote taken in favor of AFP-New Jersey’s position on a bill is worth one point out of a possible one point. Each vote taken against AFP-New Jersey’s position on a bill is worth zero points out of a possible one point,” the scorecard’s authors explained. “After the vote count is tallied, legislators are awarded an additional half point to their earned point total for each prime sponsorship of a priority bill that AFPNew Jersey supports. Legislators are deducted an additional half point from their earned point total for each prime sponsorship of a priority bill that AFP-New Jersey opposes. A legislator’s earned points are divided by the total votes each legislator took on AFP-New Jersey priority bills to generate a percentage score (the sponsorship points do not affect the vote total, only the legislator’s earned points).”

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