PC UNIVERSITY: Rutgers cancels speaker accused of “Islamophobia”

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — More political correctness run amok?

Rutgers University has canceled an upcoming appearance by noted journalist Lisa Daftari following accusations of “Islamophobia.”

The basis for this accusation?

Here’s an excerpt from the petition to bar her from campus:

“In a speech at The Heritage Foundation, Daftari remarked ‘Islamic terror takes its guidance and teachings from the Quran, which is Sharia law.’ She went on to say, ‘When you go to the mosque and you’re part of a community, and you want to feel important and relevant, and want to give back to the cause — [ISIS] recruits you. You say- I can be an ISIS wife.’ This statement, equating Muslims everywhere with ISIS, is undoubtedly hate-mongering. This is only a small sample of the type of harmful rhetoric Daftari has advanced and shared on various media platforms.”

Daftari, who specializes in Middle Eastern, foreign affairs, and counterterrorism stories, didn’t take the accusation lying down, telling the student-run The Daily Targum that “[t]he quote they have attributed to me is part of a much longer talk about ISIS recruitment practices in which I recommend working together with the Muslim communities in America to isolate extremism. I have always differentiated between Muslim people versus the distortion of Islam in politics and radicalism.”

So much for intellectual diversity. 

Sadly, New Jersey’s largest (and taxpayer subsidized) public university system has a long history of intolerance towards view and figures which don’t line up with Leftist thinking, most infamously when former Secretary of State Condi Rice was forced to pull out as the designated commencement speaker following an uproar among liberal students and faculty members.


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