Does Wolf Blitzer Think “Ridiculous” Obama’s Planned Parenthood Connection?

“Trump overshadows Romney” on the day he clinches the GOP nomination.

Only in print, Save Jerseyans, since the opportunistic media establishment is always looking for an excuse (however lame or attenuated) to make Republicans look stupid. Wolf Blitzer took the latest shot this week, ambushing Donald Trump on the exceedingly stupid “birther” issue. Gleeful media seized on Trump’s words to parrot the above referenced headline since, as you well know, Mr. Trump is a major Romney supporter and fundraiser.

What Mr. Trump’s views have to with Mr. Romney’s candidacy is beyond me. Particularly considering that Mr. Obama’s associations with Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, and the host of other Obama-affiliated radicals both inside and outside of his administrations have been explicitly placed OFF LIMITED by media elites. Like Mr. Blitzer.

But since Wolf wants to howl on about what’s “ridiculous” in our public sphere, perhaps he’ll take a look at the President’s close ties with Planned Parenthood? The nation’s leading abortion provider enthusiastically endorsed Obama for reelection on Wednesday. Almost simultaneously, we learned that Planned Parenthood’s employees may be encouraging sex-selective abortions thanks to an undercover investigation. Like Red China.

One Planned Parenthood story made headlines. The other wouldn’t have seen the light of day at all were it not for conservative blogs. Can you guess which appeared where, Save Jerseyans?

If Wolf and the rest of his pack were serious about journalism, then they’d treat Obama’s “ridiculous” affinity for that monstrous organization Planned Parenthood with the same level of scrutiny.

But they’re not, so they won’t. Keep it here if you want the real skinny.


#ICYMI: Undercover at Perth Amboy, NJ Planned Parenthood (January 2011)



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. All Birthers including Donald Trump are complete Ignorant Idiots. BTW- That Planned Parenthood video was discredited long ago it was another of them FOX (We make it up and you fools believe it) News

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