Eric Holder joins opposition to N.J.’s redistricting amendment

By Matt Rooney

Power politics makes for strange bedfellows, Save Jerseyans, and our own machine-dominated, thoroughly-corrupted Garden State political culture is certainly no exception to the rule.

Today, as Senate and Assembly lawmakers debate a redistricting amendment proposal in committee which, if approved by voters, would lock-in a permanent Democrat majority in Trenton for years to come (by changing how maps are drawn), there’s an uneasy coalition arising between Republican establishment types and far-left activists speaking out in opposition to the legislative leadership-backed agenda.

“A handful of politicians have demonstrated an alarming willingness to forsake the delicate fabric of the State’s democracy by advancing a redistricting amendment that benefits them and them alone,” said NJGOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt.” We’re standing with a diverse group of over 50 organizations from around the state that oppose this measure and we are making an early investment to stop this in its tracks. Only in New Jersey, in an era of one party rule, would government grind to halt, along with NJ Transit, so we can ignore issues like pensions and healthcare while we debate debasing the State’s Constitution.”

Steinhardt’s NJGOP is committing some of its limited resources to a digital advertising campaign opposing the redistricting change effort. 

Among those speaking out on the Left? Barack Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder.

“The American people want redistricting reforms that help level the playing field so that elections are decided on who has the best ideas, not which party was in charge of drawing the lines,” Holder said in a statement released Thursdau.

“As currently constructed, the proposal in New Jersey fails to live up to those standards,” Holder added.

Click here for The New York Times‘s full story.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.