Harris’s Defeat is Good News… for Governor Christie (UPDATED)

UPDATE – 3:44 p.m.

As predicted, Save Jerseyans, the Senate Judiciary Committee has struck down Bruce Harris’s nomination, 7-6. Only Democrat Brian Stack crossed the aisle to support him.

Governor Christie’s ally and Senator Minorty Leader Tom Kean, Jr. didn’t mince words:

Unfortunately, an out of controlDemocratic Majority did not apply an objective, or even reasonable, standard toBruce’s nomination.  Make no mistake about it, Bruce Harris wasrejected by the committee for political reasons rather than anything pertainingto his ability to do the job by a legislative majority that is drunk on power.

The Majority’s willingness tosmear a good man’s reputation and pervert the meaning of “adviseand consent” in order to pick a fight with this Governor isreprehensible, irresponsible, and an abdication of their duties as Senators.”  

Original Post – 1:44 p.m.

The Democrat-dominated Senate Judiciary Committee appeared poised today to shoot down the nomination of Bruce Harris, Governor Chris Christie’s latest candidate for New Jersey’s State Supreme Court.  

Their primary gripes? (1) The fact that he’s not a litigator (despite the fact that 11 of the last 18 confirmed state justices have had non-litigation backgrounds), and (2) Harris’s decision to abstain from any hypothetical gay marriage deliberations before the Court (despite the fact that he would be required to do so pursuant to N.J. Court Rule 1:12-1 and Cannon 3 (C) (1) of the Code of Judicial Conduct having already expressed a public opinion on the matter).

Harris’s rejection may be baseless. Still, let them go ahead and kill his nomination anyway, Save Jerseyans. It’s only going to help the man they’re trying to harm: Chris Christie…

Conservatives don’t trust him. Liberals don’t, either, but they’re primarily determined to hand the Governor what they see as a string of long-overdue political black eyes.

No one will be satisfied by a successful Harris confirmation and, frankly, the Governor won’t gain much from it insofar as a victory bounce or a dramatic change of the Court’s composition.

If Harris goes down (as it looks like he will), Christie just gained a big campaign issue for 2013. He also avoids having to explain why he put a pro-gay marriage justice on his state court to a convervative national Republican electorate in 2016 or 2020. It’s a classic win-win situation.

By no means am I saying this is a best-case outcome for the Garden State, Save Jerseyans. We need more conservative jurists on the bench. The Democrats have consistently conducted themselves in a shameful manner throughout these proceedings. I’m also not in love with the nomination itself since your Blogger-in-Chief, like most conservatives, would prefer someone with a track record of judicial restraint although I typically trust the Governor’s judgment.

My only point is that a Harris defeat is likely the best case political outcome for the Guv. It may, in fact, have been his plan all along? He is the best chess player to grace Trenton in modern times. Never underestimate his ability to think 3 or 4 steps ahead of his opponents. This might’ve been the latest example.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Matt you just love to hear yourself talk. Gov Christie will still have to answer on a number of judicial nominees, starting with a pro sharia law judge. If this has been planned all along then you are suggesting there was a back door deals done, which supports the chatter that this Govenor is famous for. Matt, just in case you didn't learn this, collusion is an illegal practice. Matt when is your birthday so the Save Jersey fan club can send you a floor to ceiling mirror so you can admire yourself all day long.

  2. When you're out buying a mirror for me, try to invest in a new pair of reading classes for yourself?

    What I'm saying is that the Governor knew Harris had little or no chance of reaching confirmation. Hence, he would've figured out (in advance) what the political advantages and disadvantages might be of the Democrats' sophomoric behavior in these hearings.

    But you entirely missed the point in your haste to take a shot at me. Take a deep breath and read before reacting next time!

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