Tune out the opportunistic and the dishonest | Donohue

By Mike Donohue

Are we living a virus-apocalypse movie in real time? No. And thank God. A new human infectious disease is upon us. This is not unprecedented. It has occurred through out human existence. This one appears relatively mild, causing severe cold-like symptoms in most people infected. In all likelihood, at some point over the next few years, we will all either be vaccinated or infected. And survive.

Not too long ago, a virus like this would have gone undetected and gone through the human family, consuming the lives of vulnerable populations and running its course. That is nature. Now, we have the ability to identify what is killing people and take steps to save lives.

The real question is whether or not we have become a soft and spoiled people. I don’t believe so. I believe we are still rugged, stalwart, brave people ready to face and overcome any challenge together as Americans. Our national leaders, to a great extent, have become so conditioned over the past decade to the rapid fire of the 24 hour news cycle to get a partisan message out as quickly as possible that even this crisis is not enough to shake them from this Pavlovian response to any issue. We need only to tune out the opportunistic and the dishonest and follow common sense.

In New Jersey we are use to facing down impending disaster. Being from the land of hurricanes and Nor’easters, we know how to do this. We have done it many times. It is part of our culture and our history. We follow a tried and true formula in these challenging situations: Pray that the storm misses us. Gather your family around you and hunker down. Prepare for the storm. Weather the storm. Help rebuild after the storm.

Right now we are praying and gathering our families and preparing. Soon we will weather this storm. After that it will be up to all of us to help rebuild. We will come together to rebuild our families where we have to. We will support our friends in business and rebuild the economic activity we lost. And, hopefully, we will rebuild the connections we have always had as Americans regardless of party, race, color or creed when facing a common challenge that requires our collective strength.

Let’s do this!


MIKE DONOHUE is a Jersey Shore attorney, former Superior Court judge, and former Chairman of the Cape May County GOP. 

Michael John Donohue
About Michael John Donohue 13 Articles
MIKE DONOHUE is a Jersey Shore native, former Superior Court judge, and current Chairman of the Cape May County GOP.