Assembly Passes Pedophile Relocation Act

That’s not really what it’s called, Save Jerseyans, but that’s exactly what will happen if Governor Christie doesn’t veto the New Jersey Residential Foreclosure Transformation Act.

Relocated to a home near you!

Possibly even next door?

This backdoor affordable housing scheme passed through Sheila Oliver’s screwy State Assembly yesterday by a margin of 45 to 33.

Leave nothing to chance, folks. You know what to do.

Contact the Governor and politely tell him that you don’t want Trenton hacks deciding whether a child molester, a troupe of transients or Dick Codey in a hoodie and stage makeup move onto your neighbor’s foreclosed property. 

Yes, the possibilities are truly horrifying!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. This might be the single worst bill passed by the assembly since Gov Christie took office.

    Worse than RGGI, worse than healthcare exchanges, worse than attempted millionaires tax renewals.

    this MUST be vetoed. No excuses.

  2. Something seriously wrong here. This bill has nothing to do with criminals of the type making headlines recently. Indeed, it is to help the majority of NJ law-abiding citizens by stabilizing neighborhoods and providing housing for working people – if it is allowed to do so.

    If the intention is to hit headlines, this will be accomplished by inflammatory language. Too bad it also twists the contents of the bill.

  3. This is a hateful and disturbing blog targeting special needs individuals as pedophiles as a way to kill this bill. The bill gives communities a chance to take empty, boarded-up properties that are dragging down property values and restore them to productive use. It would allow non-profits to purchase and renovate vacant homes. These vacant properties would be sold either as affordable or market rate homes for qualified families or individuals.

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