DEEP THOUGHTS: Beating Around the Privatization Bush with Tenure “Reform”

Pols on both sides of the aisle and the mainstream media, too, continue to crow about the passage (and anticipated signing into law) of state Senator Ruiz’s tenure “reform” legislation.

It’s a nothing bill, folks. Tokenism. Pointless. But hey, voting for it sure looks good on a mailer, right?

To briefly review, the bill mandates a new statewide teacher evaluation system whereby teachers are rated and grouped into four categories ranging from “ineffective” to “highly effective.” Instead of automatically receiving tenure after three years of employment, teachers will now earn tenure only after four years (wow! what a reform!) and upon completion of a year of “mentoring” (isn’t that just more student teaching?), and also posting two “positive” ratings within a three years (subjective much?).

But what about the old guard teachers who stink? Well, after tenure is granted, two negative ratings could result in “tenure charges” issued by the school district’s superintendent. Arbitration would then ensue instead of a court date.

I just can’t help laughing reading all of this back to myself, Save Jerseyans. It also leads me to question my sanity, because doesn’t that last part sound suspiciously like what we have for contract employees… in the private sector?

So aren’t all of these boneheaded legislators and union goons effectively admitting that a PRIVATE education system, or at least one with a school choice check, would provide for the most accountable faculty?

Of course they are! They know the current system does far more to protect back teachers than reward real educators. But unfortunately for proponents of REAL reform, the NJEA spent more money on lobbying last year than any other group in the state, the consequence of which will be more weak sauce legislation that beats around the bush instead of boldly tackling the real problems holding back our children’s educational development.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. This is why we need a bold governor like scott walker to push through right to work laws. that was real leadership.

    Christie is a fairly timid politician.

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