OOPS: House Armed Services member thinks they’re “National Guards”

Congress is an endless font of embarrassment for the American people, Save Jerseyans, and Andy Kim (D, NJ-03) is holding his own on that front. 

Kim one of New Jersey’s three members of the powerful House Armed Services Committee. The two-term Democrat representative is also known for holding himself out as a real life Jack Ryan for which he’s been tagged with the stole valor label. Despite all of this “experience” with the military (both real and imagined), he doesn’t seem to know what to call the soldiers with whom he keeps posing for photographs on Captiol Hill.

Check out what he tweeted on Thursday, March 4th:

We don’t have “National Guards” in the United States, Save Jerseyans.

Guardsmen are citizen soldiers hailing from all 50 states commonly referred to as “soldiers” or “airmen” depending upon their affiliation. One would hope a member of the House Armed Services Committee would know what to call them!

Kim’s screw up was nevertheless revealing.

Democrats continue to pose with National Guard soldiers who remain stationed in the nation’s capital despite the fact that the inaugural came and went without violence. Kim is no exception:

March 4th (a date some news reports excitedly suggested might see a repeat of January 6th) also passed without incident, and I doubt Kim’s prayers influenced matters very much either way.

It’s over. There’s no reason for a continued occupation of the capital.

Our fighting men and women have been reduced to props for the Democrat regime. The troops still on the ground in D.C. include over 300 from the Garden State.

They should be sent home – immediately.

They belong with their families, friends, and employers; they certainly don’t belong to a guy who doesn’t enough know how to properly address them.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.