Will Murphy use Omnicron to lock us down?

The Governor of New Jersey is playing his cards close to the vest post-reelection, Save Jerseyans. I suspect that’s partly because he knows – even though you’ll never hear him or his staffers admit it – that their relatively close scrape with losing reelection has New Jersey Democrats more than a little spooked.

But does a leopard ever truly change his spots? Or in this case, a noodle-armed, snaggle-toothed leopard with a receding hairline?

He hasn’t gotten into the much-hyped “Omnicron” variant over the past week in large part because he went to Florida for a little R&R with his family.

What you need to know: reported cases are climbing again, and that horribly-constructed legislative “compromise” curtailing his emergency powers that became law back in June remains disturbingly broad. Essentially, a “substantial” jump in hospitalizations, spot positivity, or a rate of transmission > 1 allows Murphy to start restricting gatherings once again.

Here’s the relevant passage:

“The most recent executive order containing general coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) mitigation measures regarding face coverings, social distancing, and gatherings prior to the effective date of this act, and this executive order shall not be more restrictive than the recommendations provided in the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines on social distancing and face coverings in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, unless a substantial increase in hospitalizations, substantially increased spot positivity, or rate of transmission above 1 necessitates a modification that would be more restrictive.

[Emphasis added.]

New Jersey Department of Health says the rate of transmission currently sits at “1.2,” high enough for Murphy to reclaim his crown should he choose to grab it. Hospitalizations are nowhere near where they were this April or certainly April 2020, but they’re still ticking a bit higher at the moment as the seasons change and holiday gatherings commence.

The politics of all of this is very important. Everything is politics; not for you, maybe, but certainly for the folks who make decisions.

We don’t even know if Omnicron is here! And there’s no evidence at this point that it’s any more deadly or dangerous generally than any of the other variants.

With all of that being said, the Left found out the hard way on November 2nd that thay can’t win talking education/economics/parental rights even in blue-ish states. Don’t be surprised if they try to lock you down over some Omincron successor variant ahead of the midterms, Save Jerseyans.

Remember: it’s for your own safety. And the votes. But mostly the votes.

As of now? Murphy has the power to do it thanks to the Democrat legislature that – despite losing a net of 7 seats this month – is still very much in the driver’s seat.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.