N.J.’s politically correct Monkeypox guidance puts gay men at risk

Three states have now declared a Monkeypox “state of emergency,” Save Jerseyans, and I won’t be surprised if New Jersey is next. We all know Phil Murphy gets off on the sensation of absolute power.

What continues to surprise some observers – but shouldn’t – is the politically correct response to the Monkeypox virus’s activity in the United States. The Media and Democrats continue to downplay two hugely significant pieces of information:

  1. An estimated 95% of cases are estimated to have been transmitted via gay sex
  2. Pride Month probably helped the virus expand its reach fairly rapidly (that’s NBC talking by the way, not a “right wing” outlet)

So we know how this thing spreads and who’s most at risk.

Monkeypox isn’t Covid-19. You’re not going to catch it at the supermarket if you lower your mask and someone with a passing shopping cart sneezes in your direction. While you can catch it in other ways, Monkeypox overwhelmingly spreads in one dominant way: biological men having sex with other biological men.

New Jersey’s Department of Health, which shares responsibility for 10,000 nursing home deaths during the coronavirus pandemic, is nevertheless distributing misleading health guidance in the name of political correctness.

“Cases include individuals who self-identify as men who have sex with men, but monkeypox can spread from direct contact with any infected individual,” the NJDOH explains on its official online Monkeypox portal.

Self-identify? Really, Nurse Judith?

The chance of a woman (straight, lesbian, bi, whatever) “self-identifying” as a man transmitting Monkeypox is very low according to all available data. Blindly playing along with this ludicrous transgenderism nonsense at the expense of people’s health is immoral. The absurdity of it all is illustrated best by the WHO who simultaneously urged gay men to limit their sexual partners AND, following criticism, clarified that anyone can get it. That’s sort of like saying that a man can technically be diagnosed with breast cancer, folks, but only 1 in 100 cases are found in males.

Meanwhile, for the second time in only a few years, public health officials are scaring the shit out of people who don’t need to be afraid. Anxiety, disruptions, and manmade vaccine shortages are among the most glaring consequences. PC-driven “science” also encourages a lack of faith in public health officials when, sometime in the future, we might really need the majority of the population to pay attention to advice concerning a new “black death” or something similarly dire.

I’m not the only one who thinks the Media/governmental line on Monkeypox isn’t only silly but also downright unethical.

“The mainstream media and public health officials are being so damn careful not to label monkeypox ‘a gay disease’ that they’re doing a disservice to the gay men who most need important information about the outbreak – while misleading everybody else,” wrote Mark King, an AID/HIV activist for a California-based LGBTQ publication.

Political correctness isn’t just annoying. It’s not a victimless crime. PC devotion is also situationally dangerous; Monkeypox presents one such example.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.