Cory Booker Still Stuck in Political Purgatory

Cory Booker: Ruled by the Blue Twitter Bird and Obama's White House


Cory Booker: Still Not Back in Obama's Good Graces!

Mayor Cory Booker (D-Newark) may have higher aspirations, Save Jerseyans, but his spring 2012 defense of Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital tenure is still holding him back in Obama power circles.

Apparently saving citizens from burning buildings couldn’t land him a speaking role at his own party’s convention in North Carolina.

According to one source, Booker is pointing the finger everywhere expect where it belongs…

He has no speaking role at the Democratic National Convention next month in Charlotte, N.C., but that’s understandable, according to Booker:

“The polite way to say why I didn’t have expectations is that I’m an African-American, northeastern Democrat in a safe state. Maybe if I was a Latino from Nevada or San Antonio.”

Oh jeez. Really, Cory?

He can delude himself with crude rationalizations all day long but you and I both know geography/color had absolutely nothing to do with it, Save Jerseyans. Cory Booker isn’t speaking at the Democrat National Convention because he’s a member of the “Party of Tolerance.” He told the truth about Obama’s Bain Capital lies, got punished for it, backtracked (under duress?) and made himself look utterly ridiculous in the process. It’s a ’92 Bob Casey, Sr. saga redux, expect Bob Casey never sold out and reversed himself on the abortion issue to make Bill Clinton love him again. That’s more than I can say for the Mayor of Newark!

But it’s still never too late for ideological salvation. Republicans are a lot kinder than Democrats. Brian McGovern’s original offer remains wide open, Cory! It’s never, ever too late to jump ship, embrace your initial capitalist impulses and end your stay in political purgatory by joining the “right” team…


Matt Rooney
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MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.