Weather Looks Fine, Mr. President!

The official DNC 2012 website still says we can expect to hear from Obama/Biden at the 70k+ capacity Bank of America Stadium.


DNC 2012 Convention organizers are blaming the weather for their decision to move tonight’s festivities inside the much smaller TimeWarner Cable Arena (capacity approx. 21k). They had to disinvite devoted supporters and volunteers (including Obama Youth) to make it work. “Hope” is a selfish mistress, Save Jerseyans.

The only problem with the DNC’s “weather” explanation? Democrat thunderstorm fears are warranted… earlier in the afternoon when nothing substantive is going on! In fact, the latest professional Charlotte, North Carolina forecasts for primetime Thursday evening predict outside temperatures in the low-70s, mostly clear skies and (the key part) just a 10% chance of precipitation (via

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Are you really resorting to this? Having thunderstorms earlier in the afternoon can ruin equipment that is outdoors, and require many man hours to dry seats for those attending. Basically a logistical nightmare.

    But no – you are trying to insinuate that there is some conspiracy on non attendees filling the stadium. Please post something factually sound that can generate ACTUAL debate instead of over analyzing a weather forecast.

  2. I'm not insinuating… I'm saying yes, they're blaming weather when the real reason for the move is a lack of ability to fill a large, 70k+ capacity outdoor arena.

    And large-scale concerts/events happen IN the rain all the time. I saw Bruce Springsteen this weekend in Philly… rained all day, up until about 1.5 hours before the show. Giant outdoor stadium. Everything worked just fine.

  3. Yeah I am going to have to call BS on Josh's comment. These events are not run by amateurs. They plan in advance for things like rain and thunderstorms and know exactly how to handle it.

    There was no other reason to move this event other than to avoid embarrassment. The unions simply would not bus in as many seat-fillers as they did in 2008 because the Democrats chose a right to work state for the DNC this year.

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