Super-Campaigner Christie Headed to Virginia… and Pennsylvania

Fresh off a battleground campaign swing through Ohio, the indefatigable prince of Republican campaigning, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, is setting out on another out-of-state barnstorming mission.

On Friday at 5:00 p.m. EDT, the Governor will rally for Mitt Romney in Richmond, Virginia. And with very good reason, Save Jerseyans! The last three Old Dominion polls reported a slight lead for Romney; there are even well-sourced rumors that the Obama camp is pulling out. If a retreat is truly in the offing, it would come as a HUGE blow to the President’s reelection campaign in more ways than one, particularly since Obama carried it by a statewide margin similar to his national margin in ’08. Such a dramatic reversal would be looked upon as a grim portent indeed.

But before Christie heads south on I-95, he’ll first cross the Delaware River tonight to raise cash for Pennsylvania’s state house and state senate campaign funds respectively in West Conshohocken. No, this isn’t a Romney trip, but it’s very hard to avoid appreciating the political implications. The latest Quinnipiac Poll found a 4-point race in the Keystone State for president; the U.S. Senate race is even closer (3-points with 7% still undecided per a separate Q survey).

Watch the polls carefully in the next few days. If Mitt’s current momentum continues unarrested through Monday, then it’s not out of the question that Republicans may open up a new battlefront in the electoral college. Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan are the most obvious prospects. You can bet Chris Christie will lead the charge if it’s his state’s neighbor. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Chris Christie should be in Trenton working for the taxpaying citizens of NJ who elected him, not campaigning for someone who made millions outsourcing American jobs to China and elsewhere.

  2. Great talking points. Mitt created more net jobs at Bain than Obama did in four years as president. Liberals always seem to miss that!!!

  3. Where did Mittens create more net jobs? I see a Bain company called Sensata is moving well-paying American jobs to China for cheaper labor. Is Mitt still profiting from his Bain investments? We'll never know since he won't release the last ten years of tax returns.

  4. Mitt Romney's Bain record is obviously disputed, but by even the most critical counts, he created more American jobs than he lost through his investments/consulting work:

    Obama is still down 61k from the level he inherited; that raw total, of course, doesn't even account for the fact that the US population has grown in 4 years, so we'd need to have more jobs than that which were lost to account for new workers:

    Add in Mitt's solid job numbers as a governor, and it's absolutely indisputable that Mitt has the better job creation record. Not even close!

  5. I, for one am glad that Christie is out state as much as he is. Even if it does cost us taxpayers big money. This way, he can do less damage to an already bleak looking NJ economy. You blast the President for 7.8% unemployment, but let Christie slide with 9.9% unemployment here in NJ. Why is that Matt?

  6. I've seen reports here on SaveJersey blasting the president for the amount of golf he plays yet this article is praising the Governor for doing everything but the job he was elected to do. Seems a little hypocritical to me.

  7. It's a valid point, Josh, but I'll explain the key differences:

    (1) The federal government is bigger than ever and plays an increasingly HUGE role in a state's self-governance. Christie has a firm opinion that President Obama's policies are bad for America. You could make an argument that there's nothing more important for him to do right now in October(especially since the Democrat legislature refuses to even hold a single vote on his popular tax proposals).

    (2) Obama isn't golfing with world leaders… it's strictly entertainment. You can argue that the Governor's trips aren't purely business (he's building support for himself, too), but it's impossible to argue that a pro-business, anti-tax Republican Administration in Washington wouldn't be better for NJ. There's no comparison.

    (3) Even though we need to do a LOT more in NJ, Christie has already accomplished more in 3 years (pension reform, the 2.0 cap, etc) than all of his immediate predecessors combined. Sadly, he can't accomplish much more w/o a cooperative legislature. So again, by building his national network, he's developing allies that could help take back (or at least narrow Democrat control of) the state legislature in 2013.

    (4) You can't argue with his national popularity and 56% approval rating at home with registered (not likely) voters. He's been a solid ambassador for our state. That in of itself is a worthwhile investment.

  8. That's my point… it's all B.S. Obama was above 8% longer than any president in American history. Suddenly it dips a tad to 7.8% (largely because a critical mass of individuals stopped looking/filing for unemployment), and the Left hails Obama as the next FDR!

    Christie came to office later than Obama. So will you hail Christie for having finally reversed the trend after inheriting a bad wrap? lol.

    Be honest for once. NJ's is too high, as is the country's rate. I'm fair about this: Christie should've proposed a smaller budget for FY 2013, and we wrote several heated posts about it, but in the end, saving money is pointless from a job growth perspective until the Legislature agrees to cut taxes and send that excess capital back to private sector job creators. That's why we're shedding government jobs but lacking substantial private sector growth… it's still far too expensive to do business here.

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