I’ll Back Buono (Even if Weinberg Won’t)

Elections should ideally be about choices.

Election 2012 was about… “lady parts.” It had the potential to be about a lot more given the dramatic differences between the presidential candidates. But we don’t need to revisit all of the reasons they didn’t matter here. Not today.

A new year is upon us, Save Jerseyans, along with another major election starring a very different incumbent and a radically different caliber of challengers.

Which potential Democrat gubernatorial aspirant is most likely to provide voters with a “choice” in 2013? Defined not as a viable alternative (you won’t find one in this state), but a real contrast to the current regime?

Answer: uber-liberal state Senator Barbara Buono (D-Middlesex), who after weeks of overt pre-campaign activity, is reportedly prepared to announce her uphill challenge today (Tuesday).

She’d be an unmitigated disaster for the New Jersey Democrat Party. And she’s got the Save Jersey stamp of approval for her primary bid.

For starters, Buono is a complete unknown statewide sporting unimpressive legislative credentials and very little establishment support (particularly down South). It’s not that they don’t like her. They just don’t take her very seriously.

Even state Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), unofficial dean of the “ghoulish gals” Trenton caucus, is openly begging Cory Booker to run on a liberal blog.

Isn’t that remarkable? Senator Weinberg (who for some New Jersey liberals carries the same moral authority as Ted Kennedy, only with long hair) won’t back a far-left female colleague from her own Senate Democrat caucus.

What else do you need to know, Save Jerseyans?

Buono’s better-situated opposition (Steve Sweeney and Cory Booker) are confirmed liberals, make no mistake about it. But they’re more pragmatic in certain respects out of concern for their careers as evidenced by their support for Governor Christie’s pension reforms, property tax cap, certain school choice proposals, etc. and so on. 

Buono? Not so much on either count. She’s never met a tax hike, government mandate, wasteful program or other transgression against our individual rights that she didn’t like. Buono would happily take us steaming back to the failed policies of the McGreevey/Codey/Corzine years… exactly the kind of platform my fellow Republicans up and down the ballot would love to run against next November.

So Loretta may not have your back, Senator Buono, but I sure do!

For the primary only.

We’re running a blog — not a charity.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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