State Senate GOP Elects 2012-2014 Leadership

Both parties are sorting things out in Trenton today now that the election dust has settled, Save Jerseyans.

Events on the GOP side of the aisle have been much less dramatic.

Senator Tom Kean, Jr. (R- 21) was reelected today as Republican Leader. Senator Diane Allen (R- 7) will serve as Deputy Republican Leader.

The leadership will also inclue: Senator Kevin O’Toole (R- 40), Republican Whip, Senator Robert Singer (R- 30), Conference Chairman, Senator Christopher “Kip”Bateman (R- 16), Deputy Conference Chairman, and last but not least Senator Anthony Bucco (R- 25) as the caucus’s Budget Officer.

Over on the Assembly side, Assemblymen Alex DeCroceJon Bramnick, and David Rible were all returned to their respective leadership posts.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. We just watched one of the most disappointing election returns in a long time, and how do they react? Put all the same jokers back in charge.

    Why isn't Jay Webber the minority leader yet? We need someone with charisma and energy to try and push the caucus forward.

  2. As in flashbacks of Vietnam, Flashback?

    The NJGOP WON in 2009 and 2010 when Webber was Chairman and had the organization humming and a mobilized grassroots — unlike 2011 when the NJGOP LOST big under Keyser Soze Raia, who apparently has let things sink on his watch. (That's if Sam Raia even exists, since I don't think anyone actually has seen him yet.)

  3. Unless they do more to distinguish themselves from the D's, they are going to be the minority party for a long time. Although, maybe they like that; it's easier to lob grenades than to actually solve problems.

  4. False. Webber raised tons of money for the NJGOP. And unlike Raia, Webber knew how to invest it wisely and strategically in party-building and campaign-winning — and it showed in great general elecion outcomes in 2009 and 2010.

    Any extra money Keyser Soze Raia raises apparently is finding it way down rat holes and darn-sure ain't going to infrastructure and candidates — and it showed in the bad general election outcomes of 2011.

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