Joshua Sotomayor-Einstein is an old school classical liberal of the smaller government meets neoconservative fusionist variety. As a sometimes Kirkian, sometimes Objectivist, he supports the civic celebration of the Christian foundations of the West, the deregulation of marriage, the legalization of drugs, and the Blue Laws. He is also the NJGOP State Committeeman from Hudson County.
Patrick Buchanan’s Suicide of a Superpower is a depressing, race obsessed socioeconomic call to arms, Save Jerseyans. Buchanan’s mastery of rhetoric and statistics are hard to match […]
As Conservatives we love the Second Amendment. Towards that end, I was reading my usual gun magazines (being a non-gun owner I don’t 100% understand but […]
Historically marriage has been a dynamic institution, evolving from little more than polygamous chattel slavery to its current form as monogamous equal partnership. Yet throughout […]
This past Tuesday in Bayonne, a cold and windy December night, 11 dedicated conservatives braved the chill and descended on the Catholic War Veterans outpost in Bayonne, NJ […]
Shalom and Merry Christmas, I want to wish my Christian friends a happy and healthy Christmas. While I personally will not be celebrating the birth […]
The Occupy Wall Street movement should be commended for bringing to the forefront the inequities of contemporary life. That thousands can be downsized to cut […]
Conservatives began the second half of Obama’s presidential term with a bang – Tea Parties across the nation did as William F. Buckly Jr. admonished […]
The OWS protests are juvenile in their behavior and conclusions. Discussing national and worldwide issues with like minded fellow radicals and leftists does not make […]