So for today, Save Jersey was rebranded and refocused as We are happy to be on what we feel is the right side of this issue, regardless of where our normal political allegiances lay.
I hope that if you followed along with my coverage today, or read any of my legal analysis of the situation, you found yourself motivated to contact your legislators and do something about this issue that really is so important for South Jersey, its students, and Rutgers as a whole. We want to do our part to make sense of this very complicated situation.
If you have not been following us today, or have not even heard a thing about the Rutgers/Rowan merger plan, check out the links below for all of our coverage thus far. This issue is not going anywhere, so expect more to follow. And for those of you visiting the site for the first time today, be sure to come back tomorrow when Save Jersey returns to its regularly scheduled programming.
“Save Rutgers” Coverage:
- R.I.P. Rutgers Camden
- Come Speak Out for Rutgers Camden
- George Norcross Publishes Platitudes About Rutgers/Rowan Merger
- Rutgers Camden Faculty Writes to the Boards of Governors and Trustees
- Some Rowan Perspective (Meeting Minutes from November 2011)
- How the Merger Could Happen and How it Might be Stopped (long, but very informative)
- LIVE Coverage of the First Rutgers/Rowan Merger Senate Hearing
- Senator Sweeney Calls Rutgers Students/Faculty a “Lynch Mob” and More
Please feel free to forward these and any future articles we post to your friends, alumni, classmates, or anyone else.
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