Today we’re sharing Part Two of the interview conducted by Save Jersey’s Joshua Einstein with Benjamin Case of “Organization for a Free Society,” a proponent of so-called social justice ideology who is closely aligned with the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement.
If you missed Part One last Friday, click here to listen and learn a little background on Josh’s project. The interview is broken up into five parts.
In this latest installment, Josh and Benjamin discuss the efficacy of our capitalism system, the failure of the European social state, and whether it’s possible for the American economy to “go green” by way of regulation and taxation yet still preserve (or restore?) a competitive edge against Red China.
They also begin a discussion of the controversial Keystone Pipeline and its popularity in labor union circles; we’ll post that particular segment tomorrow (Tuesday), Save Jerseyans.
For now, enjoy Part Two:
it's fine to pass new regulations even if it sends more jobs to china? wow, someone feel asleep in ecnomics class from the looks of it.