At a Gettysburg, PA press conference, Rick Santorum has officially suspended his campaign for the Republican nomination for President.
Over the last few weeks Santorum has seen a dip in the polls in many states, including his home state of Pennsylvania where he used to be a Congressman and Senator. Pennsylvania was considered a must win by many pundits across the media.
Santorum has the added pressure of a three year old daughter who is very ill with a rare genetic disease. During the campaign she has been in and our of the hospital at least twice. This family difficulty is being cited as a major factor in Santorum’s decision to suspend. Everyone here at Save Jersey extends our hope for an improvement in Bella Santorum’s condition to Rick and his family.
This move makes the inevitability of a Romney nomination even more inevitable. While Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich both remain in the race, there is zero potential for either of these men to gain enough delegates for the nomination at this point. It will be rather interesting to see where Santorum’s staunchest supporters go in the contests ahead. I believe more support will flow to Mitt Romney than most people think. This race has been growing tired, and many Republicans are coming around to accept Romney as the eventual nominee and simply want to see him begin to take on President Obama as we march forward to November.
Finally! If you believe that Obama will also guarantee Four billion retooling tax credits and loan guarantees for staeside auto factories and parts suppliers, so that the new fuel efficientcars can be made in the U.S. by American workers instead of overseas.