Kyrillos Victory Lap Continues; Says “Everything is at Stake” in 2012

After an easy and uneventful convention season, U.S. Senate candidate and current state Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) continues to wrap up support from county GOP organizations.

Responding to today’s endorsement from the Sussex Republican Party, Senator Joe took the opportunity to remind everyone of how important this year’s choice will be for voters both in New Jersey and across the country:

“Everything is at stake in this election year. The big government policies coming out of our nation’s capital are destroying opportunities for people back home in Sussex County and throughout our beloved state. My opponent promises only more of the same: more taxes, more spending and more job-killing regulations.  But as I travel the Garden State, the message is clear: New Jerseyans simply cannot afford more of the same.  I look forward to being a United States Senator of which Sussex County and all New Jersey residents can be proud.”

I’m glad to see Kyrillos talking like this, Save Jerseyans. It’s not just empty rhetoric; this is exactly the kind of soaring, inspiring, “we’re in a big fight” type of language to which Americans always respond in times of crisis…

We are, after all, in a crisis! Constitutionally, spiritually, culturally, fiscally, etc. And when it’s crisis time, you can’t score points with concerned voters by ignoring the big issues and running as a “better manager” (like McCain in 2008) and still expect to win. 

I believe his Wisconsin-forward “elevated,” appropriately “big” tone is the #1 reason why Mitt Romney, despite a huge organizational disadvantage and the challenges associated with a bruising primary fight, is nevertheless surprising pundits in his head-to-head polling against Barack Obama. We like happy warriors – Christie, Reagan, and so on. It’s the tried and true model for victory up and down the ballot! We want someone to make it morning again!

Sunshine always spills down ballot. Polling continues to show a competitive race in New Jersey, too, and incumbent U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (R-Hudson) may be in for the fight of his career. Maybe. A lot has to happen for Kyrillos to win and, frankly, many of those variables are completely out of his control. The money is starting to come. Folks beyond New Jersey are starting to take notice. Challenges will remain.

But guess what, Save Jerseyans? Talking like a winner who both appreciates and feels passionately about “the big issue” is a great first step. Then, if the electoral flood does materialize, Kyrillos’s boat will be ready to ride rather than sink.

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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Menendez is already doing a great job and as a plus, he loves women (That is half the voters). Number 2, Chris Christie has been under attack, and his endless counter attacks are getting unpopular. The public hates cronyism even more, and we all know Kyrillos is Christie's crony. I'm sure he's a lovely man, and too bad Christie blew his chance to make an impact the world over.

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