Kyrillos Primary Night Victory Speech (VIDEO)

We didn’t talk much about Joe Kyrillos’s primary night victory because it was expected, Save Jerseyans.

It’s not like there wasn’t plenty of other things going on! I got a little distracted. It happens.

But we’re obviously going to focus on the Kyrillos v. Menendez U.S. Senate race going forward here at Save Jersey. I’ve posted video of his primary night remarks delivered to a healthy crowd of supporters in Holmdel, Monmouth County:


Can’t/won’t watch it? Then read it; text below the fold…


The field is now set. And the election for America’s future starts now. I am ready to make the case to the great people of this great state. We have an opportunity. An opportunity for greatness. We must seize it. Washington is broken. It doesn’t match the greatness of the people. I am running for the United States Senate and I want to bring to Washington energy, integrity, honesty, leadership, and hard work. Some would use much harsher words, but even Democrats think that Bob Menendez is mediocre. Bob Menendez is a mediocre Senator. We deserve much better.

Our nation’s economy is struggling. It’s gotten worse since Senator Menendez went to Washington. Our unemployment rate, our soaring national debt, our out-of-control spending — these are all getting worse because of policies that Senator Menendez supports.

It is time for New Jersey to expect — to demand — more from our leaders. That’s what we’ve been getting here at home. We are leading this state back from the brink –our strong governor -Governor Chis Christie –is leading the way. Rebranding New Jersey–lowering our taxes, reforming our pension system, welcoming job creators back to our state. Our whole state is moving forward.

Obviously, there’s more to be done — and a stronger national economy would help address many of the state’s challenges. But things are getting better. People are noticing. There’s something happening in New Jersey.

It’s time to send someone to Washington who will bring the same energy and the ideas we need to move our country forward.

There are some who would like to see things go back to the way they’ve been. Higher taxes, constant borrowing, job-killing regulations. We’ve seen what that does to our state. We are still working. But can you imagine what it would be like here today without the Christie team and the reforms we’ve put in place? Jon Corzine nearly bankrupted New Jersey. When Jon Corzine took down MF Global, we saw a stark version of a discredited worldview. We saw not just a failed business, but a failed philosophy — MF Global gambled, and when the gamble failed, Jon Corzine tried to cover those losses with other people’s money.

That’s a problem. Bob Menendez is part of the problem.

His viewpoint — that the solution to every problem is more and bigger government — is just not sustainable. It’s not forward thinking. And it’s killing our country. Sapping our initiative, turning us into a slow, fading nation.

That’s not who we are. That’s not New Jersey. That’s not America. We are better.

This election presents a clear choice.

In Washington, we can stay the course or we can change the course.

Bob Menendez represents the politics of the past. As we know, he was given his seat by none other than Jon Corzine.

When evaluating whether Bob Menendez deserves another term, ask yourself a simple question: What has Bob Menendez done to EARN your vote? Can you think of a single initiative, a single idea, a single meaningful piece of legislation that Bob Menendez has offered to bring America back? Has he made your life better? Has he EARNED your confidence, your trust, your vote? No. Bob Menendez has failed.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m running for the United States Senate. I’m running because I love our state and our country. I want to ensure that the last century – the American Century – is not an historical accident.

We must ensure for the people of America opportunities for greatness. Opportunities to work hard, to study hard. Opportunities to create jobs, build success. Opportunities for people to take care of their families. Opportunities to give and volunteer, in small ways and big ways, in our communities to help fellow citizens. We must keep America strong. We must keep it unique.

America is a model. Other nations look to us for leadership and they look at us with wonder.

I have faith in our people. And I thank all of you for rallying to our side and to America’s side. I know I can help make things better for all of us. God bless you. God bless New Jersey. God bless America.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. If you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. 30 years of RINO candidates for U.S. Senate from Millicent Fenwick to Joe Kyrillos, 30 years of losses. He can waste plenty of time with him just as he plans to do with Mitt Romney (who he knows is going to lose, which is why he endorsed him – mark my words, he's running for President in 2016), but Gov. Christie won't be able to make 24 years of liberal Republican status quo sound remotely appealing to the electorate, and Menendez will cruise to victory yet again. All of the primary opponents were underfunded and underexposed (and that's the way the establishment liked it, as Kyrillos dodged debate after debate after debate), but at least they would have provided a welcome change from all the uninspiring failures foisted upon us by the powers that be. All I have to say is that it's a damn shame that Mike Doherty didn't run … we would have had a decent chance at finally getting an NJ U.S. Senate seat into GOP hands.

    P.S. Don't give me any talk about "unity". Where was Kyrillos when Bret Schundler needed help with his gubernatorial campaign? Oh, that's right … he took his ball and went home because Bob Franks (R.I.P.) didn't win. If the liberal wing of the party couldn't have helped a conservative Republican get elected, then don't count on the conservatives and libertarians among us to help your liberal candidate. Oh, and even though many of us voted Christie for Governor (regrettably, myself included), to say he has been a big government disappointment is nothing short of an understatement. No more "lesser of two evils" votes for me.

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