More Footage of Long #Chickfila Buycott Lines in New Jersey

Yesterday afternoon, Save Jersey posted photos from a Chick-fil-a in Atlantic County’s Egg Harbor Township where customers waited for hours in epic lines. A healthy percentage of Americans (some observers guestimate close to 1,000,000 Chick-fil-a supporters overall) braved daunting lines across the country, too, to participate in Chick-fil-a Appreciate Day. Why? Because they love the First Amendment.

And chicken. Who doesn’t?

Some Chicago restaurants were reportedly serving up “hate-free” chicken as part of a counter-protest. Hey… good for them! That’s democracy in action, Save Jerseyans. You can vote with a ballot AND a dollar hin America, and the later is typically the most effective. I just wish the liberal Democrat Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, respected the right of Chick-fil-a supporters to exercise free speech (it’d be a good thing for his city’s alarming murder rate)! Freedom is a beautiful and profitable thing for those who embrace it, and I’m sure those anti-Dan Cathy companies made an extra buck for themselves (and their cause) from those marketing efforts.

Chick-fil-a, however, clearly emerged as the big winner on Wednesday. estimates that they cracked the $100M sales mark yesterday. A lot of chicken! Somewhere, I’m sure Don Perry is smiling.

Just check out the crowd at this Chick-fil-A on Route 9 in Howell, New Jersey (Monmouth County) (h/t

There’s not need to stop the “buycott” now, folks. They haven’t run out of chicken! Click here to locate YOUR neighborhood Chick-fil-a restaurant.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8553 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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