Today’s “ceasefire” between (1) Israel and the Palestinians (2) Egypt and Iran is sure to make the diplomatic class feel awfully good about themselves, Save Jerseyans.
They’re not the least bit concerned over five rockets fired from Gaza into Israel during the first three hours of the “cease fire.” This is about “points,” not results, and we all know that these same international elites will continue to criticize Israel for defending itself; and like clockwork, the Islamic world will loudly accuse Israel of war crimes that it’s never committed. The MSM will dutifully report it. Just another in a long line of status quo conflicts. Blood is spilled but nothing ever changes. And all the while, America’s enemies flaunt their deceptions in our faces.
I’ve said it before and I won’t stop until a critical mass of our fellow citizens stops being polite and start using their brains: you can’t negotiate with a caveman culture that’s perfectly okay with strapping bombs to its own children!
Do what you’ve got to do, Bibi. You can’t wait for the go ahead from the Western powers’ new class of gutless, post-Cold War leadership. They don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done here.
Forget “cowboys and indians.” This the civilized versus the savages…