Rubio Immigration Media Blitz

Junior Florida Senator Takes His Case for Immigration Reform to Senate Floor, Radio Waves

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

“It’s the beginning of a process,” Senator Rubio reminded his Senate colleagues — and those watching on television/YouTube — from the upper chamber’s floor earlier today. It was his best attempt to create some distance between whatever he’s trying to accomplish in the Senate’s back rooms and the President’s taxpayer-financed demagoguery out in Las Vegas.

Keep an open mind, Save Jerseyans; I am. Just don’t lose it…

Rubio on Senate Floor


Rubio on Fox News with Sean Hannity


Rubio on Rush Limbaugh’s Program


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Rubio sounds well thought out and very informed on fixing our failed immigration system. His ideas and plans sound like a good starting point. I hope Obama does not make this important issue too political.

  2. @Peter That's the $1 million question. Does something real come out of this? Or is it another Kennedy-esque bill that's heavy on amnesty but light on real reform? Very curious to see how Rubio plays this out… 2016 is already underway…

  3. Taken from Wikipedia: "Rubio was born in Miami, Florida, the second son and third child of Mario Rubio and Oria Garcia. His parents were Cubans who had immigrated to the United States in 1956 and were naturalized as U.S. citizens in 1975. Rubio's maternal grandfather immigrated to the U.S. in 1962 without a visa and was detained by immigration authorities. An immigration judge ordered Rubio's grandfather deported, but ultimately U.S. immigration authorities used their discretion to allow him to remain in the U.S. without a visa. The Associated Press reported that "no other immigration records exist for Garcia from 1962 until he applied for residency four years later" and concluded that he likely remained in the U.S. illegally during the intervening period."

    So, Rubio's parents were in this country for two decades without becoming naturalized citizens and his grandfather was flat out illegal. Heh, I wonder how he would've felt
    today if someone tried to deport his grandfather. Not that it would ever happen nowadays since any of his relatives would now receive special political asylum anyway.

    Pretty tough talk from an empty suit who is all rhetoric and no substance.

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