Fake Trayvon Crisis Comes to Newark

Newark, New Jersey

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Even Barack Obama’s FBI doesn’t think there’s a racial component to the death of Trayvon Martin, Save Jerseyans, but that hasn’t stopped America’s preeminent race baiters from doing what they do best: exploit a community’s emotions for political gain.

This past Sunday offered plenty of examples. Urban pastors sported hoodies on the pulpits, “activists” vowed to seek federal intervention in a state murder trial, and one New York Giants player tweeted that the acquitted Defendant wouldn’t “last a year before the hood catches up to him” (he later took it down, but that’s the last time I draft Victor Cruz for my fantasy team).

The results of this malicious behavior have been predictable. Check out the scene yesterday at Broad and Market Streets in Newark:


It’s heartbreaking stuff, folks. There’s a lot of misdirected energy out there, and we’re not getting any help from the community’s opinion leaders…

When the Zimmerman trial first made national headlines back in 2012, Newark Councilman Ras Baraka attended a rain-soaked Trayvon rally and warned attendees that “our enemy” will “kill you in the rain.” Yesterday, he complained to a crowd that “Michael Vick was arrested for fighting dogs. Plaxico Burress was arrested for shooting his own self. But you can kill a black man in this country and claim you were afraid and go free?” (h/t NJ.com). Baraka is a candidate for mayor in 2014 to succeed Cory Booker. The incumbent isn’t much better; he tweeted (surprise!) following the verdict about his belief that “[w]e can keep working 4 a society where walking in ur (sic) neighborhood isn’t a death sentence.” Says the guy who laid off 160+ police officers!

The real tragedy goes a lot deeper than the demise of any one young man. Millions of young black men are slipping through the cracks in the United States. Are Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton really interested in finding out why? Don’t bet on it. As happens all too often in this day and age, Save Jerseyans, a fake crisis is being fomented in the streets of our great country by politicians who seek to benefit from the carnage. Perspective is badly needed but reliable, honest and impartial news coverage is hard to find (we’re looking at you, NBC). George Zimmerman is a free man today for one reason and one reason only: the state brought a badly flawed case that it came woefully short of proving beyond a reasonable doubt. Period, end of sentence. There’s absolutely no evidence of racial bias from any quarter in this matter other than on the part of the morons who brought the case to begin with.

And let’s not delude ourselves into pretending that “walking in your neighborhood” in 2013 America is a death sentence because packs of armed stalkers are hunting minorities. Acquaint yourselves with the facts. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 94% of black victims in the United States are murdered by black perpetrators. Most of these crimes are committed with implements other than guns.

NewarkWhy then are politicians demanding civil rights inquiries and stricter gun controls after Saturday’s verdict? Unless their agenda is motivated by political expediency instead of hard facts? The ugly truth is that clowns like Jackson and Sharpton don’t want racial divisions to heal any more than the tobacco companies want teenagers to quit smoking. This is their livelihood!

In some cases, you might even say that these tactics are meant as a distraction of sorts. As Barbara Buono inadvertently highlighted in her latest ad, liberal “leadership” is failing our inner cities. President Obama’s policies are obliterating minority employment. A fresh conservative approach on a host of public policy challenges — chief among them education policy — would represent the best path forward for an urban culture in crisis. But again… how would that help elect Democrats who profit from misery?

So instead of progress in the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death, Save Jerseyans, our nation is going to endure days of smashed glass, angry rhetoric, and when it’s all said and done, no new hope for the next generation of Trayvon Martins. It’s hard to fit into a 140-word tweet but that’s the inconvenient truth, and it also happens to be the real crisis which our self-interested ruling elite is eager to ignore. God help us.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8761 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Or the fake rage over stooping women from getting abortions when it has been decided by the supreme court. Republicans don´t seem to know when to accept that a decision has been made. unless of course a white guy gets away with murder. Then suddenly they say the court has decided .. move along.

  2. Like all other protests ,it will fall on deaf ears and raised the batons of police brutality against them.Bloomberg´s army of civil liberty violators will see to that.

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