Revolutionary Incompetence

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

British SurrenderA fun little tidbit about the United Kingdom’s decision to abstain from Syrian military action, Save Jerseyans:

“…it was the first time a British prime minister had lost a vote on war since 1782, when parliament effectively conceded American independence by voting against further fighting to crush the colony’s rebellion.”

What a proud day for the special relationship! That Revolutionary War trivia nugget comes to us from the Reuters news agency which, interestingly enough, decided to title its article “Iraq war ghosts end UK plans to take part in Syria action. 

Oh, the liberals wish it was so simple…

Britain isn’t gun shy because of Iraq. They’re the ones who roped Obama into an entanglement in Libya to protect their own oil supply. No, what we’re witnessing here is a historic reversal of America’s influence in the world, Save Jerseyans, and it’s being facilitated by weak leadership both here and in some of our allied nations (here’s looking at you, Conservative Party, which couldn’t pull off a win even in the face of a fumbling Labour opponent).

Make no mistake about it: not everyone loved George W. Bush, but when he acted, the world took us seriously.

No one can say that of President Obama as this Syrian disaster makes plain. Charles Krauthammer recently observed that “[n]obody worries or cares about what Obama says because it carries no weight.” Respect is more important than affection in the realm of foreign relations, Save Jerseyans, since it’s the ultimate “state of nature.”

Nice guys who speak in vague generalities and squishy platitudes finish last. You’re seeing that truth play out right now on the national stage, and as much as the President’s long-standing critics like yours truly appreciate further vindication, I’m primarily distressed that it’s once again come at the expense of America’s prestige in the world that took us 237 years to build.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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