Divided We Fall

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

ElephantsRather than pointing how the Democrats have flatly refused to negotiate a resolution to a crisis of their own making, or explaining why this shutdown isn’t really a “crisis” by any reasonable definition, New Jersey Republicans were tripping over themselves on Tuesday afternoon to score points by slamming both parties.

By way of example, here’s a statement from Assembly Minority Leader Jon Bramnick (R-Union):

“The shutdown of the federal government impacts the livelihoods of people across the country and those who depend on the services it provides. The public depends on its leaders to run government and resolve problems. Until this impasse is resolved, neither the president nor members of Congress should be paid.”

I have an inbox full of press releases from legislators and legislative candidates repeating the same boorish talking points, Save Jerseyans.

Good Lord… even the “Corzine Democrats” campaign was better than this stuff!

Here’s what Asm. Bramnick should’ve said: “[i]t’s disgusting that Washington, D.C. can’t pass a budget. Leaders lead, and President Obama deserves particular blame for this sad outcome; the buck stops with him, and his failure to event attempt to negotiate a reasonable resolution between both parties presents a stark contrast with the leadership we enjoy in NJ from Governor Christie. He should be on the phone right now with John Boehner and Harry Reid… not the Iranians.”

Better, right?

I need to say it again because clearly not enough people are getting it: the Trenton GOP isn’t doing its job when it comes to marketing Republican ideas to Garden State voters.

This shutdown mess is only the latest example.

Democrats are great at messaging. Our guys stink.

Voters tell pollsters that they want hugs and rainbows. What do they really respond to at election time? There’s a reason why contrast advertising works. Voters need a bright, bold contrast from the status quo; too many Republican leaders slavishly follow the polls and sport pale pastels. It’s part of the reason why we keep losing. And if we’re being honest, Save Jerseyans, unity is almost as important as the actual decision when it comes to winning a political slug fest. The growing disconnect between our leaders’ rhetoric is a serious problem.

Regular readers know that I’ve been criticizing the use of the word “RINO” since Save Jersey opened its doors in 2008. I’m also going to continue criticizing moderate/establishment Republicans who won’t support articulate, tough young GOP talent who are doing their best to take it to the Democrats whose policies are truly responsible for our federal government’s poor fiscal condition.

A house divided against itself cannot stand, folks… 

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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