Rare Mea Culpa from Rutgers-Eagleton

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Polling StationOne of the state’s most controversial polling outfits issued a surprising mea culpa this week, Save Jerseyans, acknowledging that it very much missed the mark in this year’s two big New Jersey elections. You don’t see that every day!

Chris Christie ultimately won Tuesday’s election by approximately 22 points. Rutgers-Eagleton had predicted a massive 36-point win, making it far and away the least accurate of the major public pollsters covering the race.

On Wednesday, in a blog post, the polling institute which Governor Christie once called “crap” admitted that “…there is small comfort in getting the winners right, but it is very small.”

Rutgers-Eagleton’s post even conceded that its track record was less-than-stellar before Tuesday. For example, its pollsters doubled Cory Booker’s actual margin of victory back in October. Way back in 2009, Rutgers-Eagleton’s last survey before the general election showed Jon Corzine (39%) leading Chris Christie (36%) by 3-points and pulling away due, in part, to what they saw as a Chris Daggett (20%) surge. Of course the rest is history; Christie won with 48.5% of the vote to Corzine’s 44.9% and only 5.8% for Daggett.

I can’t give Rutgers Eagleton credit for being a reliable political polling organization. I can, however, tip my hat for displaying rare honesty in a culture that too often encourages public figures and outfits to never, ever admit fault under any circumstances.

It’s certainly more than I can say for our amoral President whose lame Obamacare dropped coverage “apology” expressed sorrow over having been caught more than anything else. The same goes for the recently defeated “Arrogant” Nelson Albano’s troopergate ramblings down in LD1. At least the voters saw right through his particular brand of B.S. Here’s hoping American voters get wise to Obama’s crap by next fall, and I’m also hopeful that Rutgers-Eagleton improves its game by then, too.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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