By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
He certainly looks the part, Save Jerseyans. And the resume appears to match.
According to FEC filings and sources familiar with CD3-related deliberations, Christopher Isola (R-Marlton) is at the very least seriously exploring a run for Jon Runyan’s open House seat in New Jersey 3rd Congressional District.
A director for UBS Trust Company and former senior consultant Deloitte & Touche, Isola previously served in both Iraq and Afghanistan as a Marine Platoon Commander.
I mentioned how Isola’s filing places him in Marlton (Burlington County); a charity website bio places him in Manhattan with his family as late as fall 2012. Of course even if that was the case, it’s hardly a barrier to entry… the two other “major” contenders are also relatively new to CD3. Steve Lonegan of Bergen County’s Bogota is the only other candidate who’s actually filed with the FEC, but a few other candidates were, at least until recently, on the trail and in the hunt including Mayor Tom MacAruthur from Randolph (Morris County)…
Bucknell grad. Has to be a smart guy.
Like the saying goes – “Stop putting your finger in the parrot cage!” by supporting GILMORE/NORCROSS puppets. We have alternatives – fiscally prudent, personally conservative, socially responsible alternatives.
Frederick John LaVergne, “Democratic-Republican” for Congress, CD3 NJ, 2014 “Stand for what’s right, or settle for what’s left”
Like the saying goes – “Stop putting your finger in the parrot cage!” by supporting GILMORE/NORCROSS puppets. We have alternatives – fiscally prudent, personally conservative, socially responsible alternatives.
Frederick John LaVergne, “Democratic-Republican” for Congress, CD3 NJ, 2014 “Stand for what’s right, or settle for what’s left”
OMG, there’s another Democrat-Republican stooge besides that horrendously uneducated Scott Neuman?
Looking forward to Chris Isola’a announcement to run in NJ’s Third Congressional District. He’s a good man.
Chris is the man. Careful who you call stooge. That’s Marine combat you’re talking about.
This man is no stooge! He is one of the smartest people you will ever meet, a patriot and one of the few Republicans I’d ever vote for!
I met him while working on a contract at his current employer. Great guy, very smart, very level headed. If you are looking for a flaky firebrand, look elsewhere. Of course, New Jersey doesn’t have the best record when it comes to voting in the best and brightest (hey, calling it like I see it) so he has an uphill fight.
As Adlai Stevenson once observed when he was told he’d get every thinking man’s vote, “it’s not enough, I need a majority.”
Great guy. Really bright and will serve and get things done
Wonderful human being. We need some of those in Congress.
I was a Marine 1961-1965 before Isola was even Born – so lets cut out the bullshit – Country, Honor and Family Integrity Crapola, and I don’t care what his wife is or does and where she grew up (she’s not running for Office). So the guy has a Degree – have an M.B.A. So he’s worked for a few years BF Deal – WHAT ARE HIS MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS THAT QUALIFY HIM FOR CONGRESS – HIS TALKING POINTS ARE EMPTY – we all want a better World – WHAT’S HE DONE ??????????????????
Reggin, your attitude and choice of statements aren’t impressive. I was an officer in the USMC from 1951 to 1955 in the Korean War and firmly believe in Freedom, Honor, Duty and Country as well. I recently received a letter from Chris Isola providing his education, work history, service to our country in the USMC, family life and most important, identifying our country’s major problems. Finally, he asked for my vote and support. I looked him up on my computer and learned more about him and what others thought about him (many comments like very smart & intelligent, graduated from Bucknell, earned a commission in the USMC and saw combat in the Mid-east, has a nice family, is a loyal and hard worker, etc). I think he is what we need in Washington and NJ! He’s done quite abit, his talking points aren’t empty and he demonstrates the commitment and desire to be successful in fixing Washington.
You are a moron. What are his credentials? Go back to school and learn how to read son.
I’d say it’s a fair point. A lot of guys, like me, ran a platoon. His whole platform is like a conservativer version of West Wing….no substance at all. Great point on Obamacare, as in no factual basis and totally made up.
Relax people, You’re showing your jersey off like an ugly sweater. Excluding the few worthy men of service that have posted here, its so easy to talk blah blah blah; yeah he has a nice family yeah he was a commander in the armed forces yeah he this, he that, but how many of you have knowledge of war?! Most of the silly people i meet haven’t got a clue; about what it does to a man-about what kind of man it actually takes to fill those boots, nevermind coming out of it all with a focus, direction and drive to want to do something like this in the first place…moreover he does it with style and ease. He has a sincerity in his personality liking to JFK. He’s healthy, sharp and seemingly quite partisan. I believe in smaller government at my core and short of John Mc, Cain i find it hard(at my core)to refrain from judgement or stereo-type when it comes to republicians but I would vote for this guy regardless. I think he will go a long way. Hopefully he will put on his right wing hat only after all the voices have been heard. Just to clarify; Exactly what other kind of person would you like to fill the CD3 seat? …..Did I mention, he looks like Russel Crowe?!