Sabrin Nets Leg Backing

Senator Oroho

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Senator Oroho
Senator Oroho

U.S. Senate Candidate Murray Sabrin rolled out legislative endorsements from Northwestern N.J. on Tuesday morning, Save Jerseyans, including State Sens. Steve Oroho and Mike Doherty along with  Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose and Assemblyman Parker Space.

A word cloud consisting of one word: liberty.

“Murray Sabrin’s decades-long commitment to limited government, individual liberty and independence and personal responsibility place him head and shoulders above his primary opponents,” said Oroho, McHose and Space in a joint statement.


“With his in-depth knowledge of finance and economics, he alone among the GOP contenders for the Senate nomination grasps the issues facing New Jersey and the nation. No one is better prepared to represent New Jersey in Washington, D.C. and debate the issues of spending, taxes, the budget, the National Debt and individual freedom and liberty than Murray Sabrin.”

Doherty, for his part, issued a separate statement through the campaign focusing on Professor Sabrin’s decidedly libertarian foreign policy perspective, one to which Doherty, a former military officer and Ron Paul-backer, certainly subscribes. “Murray Sabrin’s foreign policy views are very similar to mine,” he said. “Sure, we need a strong defense, but we don’t need to meddle in every scuffle that crops up around the globe.”

“We’ve got enough to do here at home that isn’t getting done, so it makes no sense to get involved in conflicts half-way around the world – let Europe clean up Europe,” Doherty added.

The county committees have split thus far but this is a busy week, Save Jerseyans, with Republican conventions in Middlesex, Cumberland, and three of the four “Christie Gold Coast” counties of Cape May, Ocean and Monmouth where the incumbent Governor garnered the bulk of his victory margin in 2009.

Something that interests me on the policy/macro-political levels: how, if at all, the ongoing GOP internal debate over America’s role in the world, waged between traditional conservatives and Paulite libertarians, enters into and affects not just 2016 but also CD3 and the U.S. Senate contest this year particularly in light of the events in Crimea…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The clip was the best possible argument to vote for Dr. Sabrin. Too bad he won’t be allowed to win, his ideas being too much of a threat to the status quo.

  2. I don’t think we need a nominee who alienates those who disagree with them. If there’s one thing New Jersey needs but doesn’t have it’s party unity and Murray Sabrin is too polarizing to deliver that unity.

  3. There’s something to be said for the fact that only one Republican in this race has won any kind of nomination via election by majority, and that’s Rich Pezzullo. Murray’s endorsements are all the opinions of individuals, as are Brian Goldberg’s Essex and Passaic endorsements and Jeff Bell’s Steve Lonegan endorsement. Only one candidate has shown definitive and overwhelming popular support, and that is Rich Pezzullo with his win at the Union County Convention. Unless Sabrin or one of the other candidates can pull ahead in party lines won by convention, I’m sticking with Pezzullo to win this one – not that I completely agree with or support him, I’d be happy to see any one of these guys crush Cory Booker in the general, but the numbers are in Pezzullo’s favor.

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