Pezzullo Feels Buoyed by Monmouth Victory

Rich Pezzullo during his 2014 campaign for U.S. Senate

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Brian Goldberg may have won 5 of the last 8 county lines awarded in this year’s GOP Senate primary, Save Jerseyans, but after taking a second county of his own on Saturday (vote-rich Monmouth), Rich Pezzullo told me at Middlesex’s convention that he isn’t in any mood for surrender: 


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Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. How come when you click on the YouTube video it says, “This video is private”?

    As an aside, and in the interests of fairness, it’s worth mentioning that Rich Pezzullo ran as an independent for nearly every office under the sun during the 90s, but never came close.

    And he was quoted in yesterday’s Star-Ledger ‘The Auditor’ column as follows:

    “‘I did it as a public service to keep the (conservative) message out there,'” Pezzullo told The Auditor. “‘And that’s why I’m out here again now.'”

    Keep a message out there? Murray Sabrin, for whose campaign I work, isn’t running just to “keep a message out there” — he’s running to beat Cory Booker and go to Washington, D.C. to represent the values of New Jerseyans and help restore liberty and prosperity to our state and the country through low taxes, a limited federal government, a real and achievable plan to address the real National Debt of $220 trillion, ending crony capitalism and a non-interventionist foreign policy.

    Do you want to vote for a guy who’s only trying to make a point, or do you want to vote for a man who’s going to win an election?

  2. At least I put my name and affiliation to my comments. You?

    Murray holds positions ripe for today’s climate. His opponents not so much. One of them even advocates a tax increase, although he calls it “an assessment.”

    If you want a serious man to be your candidate, see who takes the issues and race seriously, and that’s Murray Sabrin.

  3. Murray’s lost pretty badly in lots of counties (5 votes in Ocean? What a joke.) He has one victory on a second ballot. He’s an also-ran, at this point. This is a Pezzullo-Goldberg race.

  4. Also, if Murray were as great as he claims to be, he wouldn’t feel the need to go after his primary opponents so doggedly. Pezzullo and Bell have yet to say ANYTHING negative, so in light of Reagan’s eleventh commandment, they’re the only worthy candidates.

  5. My sources say that much of Sabrin’s money come from Ron Paul’s adherents residing out of state. Would you confirm or deny that? My personal position is that there’s nothing wrong with Fmr. Congressman Paul (outside of his foreign policy) and nothing wrong with out of state money (unless it comes from abroad), but some NJ voters may see it differently.

  6. So how many times did “Maverick Murray” come and go as a Republican? He ran as a Libertarian in 1997 and nearly helped elect Jim McGreevey. Then he became a Republican so he could run for Senate in 2002. Then he announced he was leaving the Republican Party and becoming an Independent. Then he crawled back to the Republican Party and made a fool of himself attacking other Republicans in 2008 when he ran for Senate and lost in the GOP primary. Murray is a loser, always has been, always will be. He better go back to his day job collecting a government paycheck for teaching at a government college.

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