Runyan: Lonegan “Out-of-Touch”

Tom MacArthur (right) receiving the endorsement of Jon Runyan (left)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

runyan and macarthurOutgoing Congressman Jon Runyan (R-NJ03) hailed Tom MacArthur as a “strong conservative” who was “far and away the best choice for Republicans” to replace him in the House next January during Tuesday evening’s endorsement event in Burlington County, Save Jerseyans, but his strongest comments were reserved for MacArthur’s primary opponent.

“Frankly, Steve Lonegan is out-of-touch with the Third Congressional District,” said Rep. Runyan to a packed house at the Marlton Tavern.  “It would defy logic and common sense to have someone representing Burlington and Ocean Counties in Congress who opposes federal aid for Hurricane Sandy victims; who wants to slash our military spending and put the Joint Base at risk; and who believes that Social Security and Medicare should be done away with.  Fortunately, Republicans in this district have a much better choice as our nominee, and that choice is Tom MacArthur.”

Welcome to war. Both contenders have leveled withering attacks against each other heading into next week’s one and only debate between them.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Steve is very much, Steve has been pounding the pavement and being with the “unwashed” for a long time. It’s people like Runyan that is out of touch with us little people. How on earth would he know.

  2. Compared to what people say in polls he doesn’t reflect the views of most voters even likely GOP voters. That’s kind if the definition of out of touch. Most voters support raising the minimum wage, gay marriage laws and even a majority if gun owners support closing gun show loopholes. The view he has are supported by maybe 10-20% of the people, definitely not main stream. If fact he often flaunts this fact so why it would be fighting words to say something he himself admits is a mystery to me

  3. John Runyan is the absolute authority on who’s conservative. Runyan makes Reagan look like a filthy communist.

  4. Too bad he hasn’t been doing that in the district, he obviously is pretty ignorant about its needs.

  5. If anyone knows who a real conservative is, it’s Obama’s favorite Republican in Congress who supported CISPA and backed funding Obamacare, rendering his vote to repeal absolutely meaningless. If you wanted to truly stop Obamacare, you would take every opportunity you could get to defund it, including shutting down the federal government. However, Runyan was all too willing to aid the oppressors in Washington by voting to fund this monstrosity. Good riddance to this clown. He knew that with word of his liberal record getting out there and a potential challenge from Steve Lonegan, his days had to be numbered.

  6. Who we have in Congress is not going to save or prevent the shutdown of our military base. It’s all going to come down to a federal decision. Ultimately, the best person to vote for is the one who will cast difficult votes to rein in the excesses of government and reform the tax code. Steve Lonegan will do just that. Tom MacArthur is a status quo Republican, backed by the establishment that works very hard to maintain the status quo.

  7. Are you kidding me? Runyan is the Lord and Savior of Conservatism. Ayn Rand gets woozy at the mere thought of Runyan, because he is the most Conservative member of government in history. Steve Lonegan cries at his bedside and prays to be as Conservative as Jon Runyan, but he never will be. I’m supporting Tom MacArthur, because Jon Runyan’s endorsement proves that MacArthur is a strong, principled conservative who will never shy away from defending Conservative principles.

  8. If I were Macarthur, and I was claiming to be a Conservative, I definitely would NOT want Runyans edorsement. Especially after he voted to raise the debt ceiling. Runyan’s record in Congress does not reflect voting for the taxpayers, anything but.

  9. Also amusing how when Conservative leaders call out MacArthur, this website and several others hold their tongues, but when one of the most liberal Republicans in America attacks Lonegan it’s newsworthy.

  10. Right because members of congress don’t affect things on the federal level, my mistake. It’s nice talking to Lonegan supporters who pop up every time he runs, its like going to a lobotomy fantasy camp.

  11. all this hate for Runyan backfires on you idiotic Lonegan supporters. Popular Congressman who has served the district well endorses and you immediately attack, you think that actually helps your guy? Even your blowhard leader knows better than to do that. Gee I wonder why you’ve never won anything!

  12. Served the district well by co-sponsoring CISPA and funding Obamacare? Probably took a salary and benefits even though he’s one of the wealthiest people in Congress? Carl, just get it over with and join the Democratic Party, and take your fellow liberals Runyan & MacArthur with you.

  13. Which is why he got out of Dodge when word came out that Steve Lonegan was likely to challenge him in the primary. That’s all that was needed: a formidable challenge from a real conservative who would go out there and expose how liberal Runyan is and how much he has supported the Obama agenda. Bye bye, Jonny Boy, and don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.

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