LG Signs Farm to School Package

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

farm landJersey fresh juicy red tomatoes for Garden State school lunches, Save Jerseyans?

Allegedly. While Governor Christie was busy campaigning in Illinois on Monday, Acting Governor Kim Guadagno signed a package of “Farm to School” program bills which, among other pro-agriculture items, establish a so-called “clearinghouse” web portal for farmers to provide their produce to schools and food banks:

· A-156 (Space, McHose, Andrzejczak, Riley/Barnes, Oroho) – Requires the Department of Agriculture to post on its website certain information regarding the state’s Farm to School program

· A-2641 (Space, Andrzejczak, Dancer, Wilson/Barnes) – Provides for voluntary contributions on gross income tax returns to support Farm to School and School Gardens programs

· A-2642 (Andrzejczak, Riley, Space, Dancer/Barnes, Oroho) – Allows contributions to the New Jersey Farm to School program

· A-2643 (Space, Riley, Dancer, Wilson, Andrzejczak/Barnes, Oroho) – Establishes “Best in New Jersey ‘Farm to School’ Awards Program” to annually recognize the best Farm to School programs implemented by a school or school district

· A-2644 (Dancer, Andrzejczak, Space, Wilson/Beach, Beck) – Directs the Department of Agriculture to establish a clearinghouse website for farmers to offer produce and dairy products for use by school breakfast programs, school lunch programs and food banks

Two questions…

How does the “clearinghouse” established by A-2644 function with Michelle Obama’s absurd school lunch rules still in place?

And I know “farm to school” is a logical byproduct of the “farm to table” craze, but can the legislature pass a “civics to table” package next? Our kids are starved in more ways than one…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Well, our state chased Campbell Soup out of using Jersey tomatoes just like they chased Ocean Spray out of processing our cranberries, so what is left but to let the state buy (with our tax dollars) and supply our schools with produce that the free market was priced out of purchasing?

  2. Well, our state chased Campbell Soup out of using Jersey tomatoes just like they chased Ocean Spray out of processing our cranberries, so what is left but to let the state buy (with our tax dollars) and supply our schools with produce that the free market was priced out of purchasing?

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