What Belgard and MacArthur Share in Common

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Absorb the DCCC’s NJ-03 ads (two of which have been pulled) without a filter and you’d think that Democrat Aimee Belgard is running to defeat Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks in his pre-Annie ice melt stage. Nothing could be further from the truth, of course.

Did you know that both MacArthur and Belgard worked as insurance adjusters?

That’s where the similarities stop.

After starting out at $13,000 a year, Tom rose through the ranks and made his money the old fashioned way: through honest hard work. A lot of it. But he didn’t forget where he came from, making charitable living a cornerstone of his existence and, to boot, adopting two children and raising a rock solid family along with his lovely wife.

Aimee Belgard walked a different path, becoming a career politician who climbs the ladder by attacking opponents… for their charity work? And by accusing them of crazy, unsubstantiated crap like denying firefighter’s claims (even when the timeline clearly contradicts the slander) while omitting – and this is the amazing part – the fact that she, herself, was likely in a position to do the same!

She may have turned down an innumerable amount of claims, directly or indirectly, over the course of her 22-year career in the insurance industry.

I don’t have any problem with how someone makes a living provided they’re not leaching, stealing, or working at a baby kill mill like our incumbent Miss America back in the day.

I do experience a visceral reaction to naked hypocrisy.

Whereas Belgard has been campaigning non-stop since 2009, Tom MacArthur created thousands of jobs and helped the wheels of our economy turn. This contrast, for me, highlights the differences between modern Republicanism and liberalism in America. It’s also the subject of Tom MacArthur’s latest TV spot “Together” which is up on South Jersey TV:

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I have no sour grapes from the Primary. I did not support Lonegan and don’t support Belgard. For some reason, I expect a more politically unbiased blog. Strict adherence to Republican candidates may not be the best way to Save Jersey.

  2. @Christine Try reading the blog instead of doing what the Left does: regurgitating an emotional reaction to one post. Some weeks we criticize Republican elected officials on a daily basis. You don’t know what you’re talking about, but for what it’s worth, we make no attempt to feign an “unbiased” worldview. We want conservative/libertarian/right-of-center Republicans to win elections. It’s step #1 of saving Jersey. Right?

  3. I have noticed that Belgard’s Facebook page has changed a bit. You can no longer make critical comments there. Have to like the page in order to say anything. Typical of most liberals Facebook Pages, they can’t handle criticism.

    BTW, I am sick of seeing comments from so called conservatives, here and on another blog saying they are going to sit out CD3; willing to give Belgard a chance to win because they want to punish the GOP.

    My God, I; as a conservative have held my nose voting for the likes of John McCain and to a much lesser extent holding my nose at Romney. I know many other Conservatives that did the same. But, for those many more Conserrvatives staying home in 2012 we got The Obumbler again. The lesson is that not voting for McCain made Obama an incumbent, much more difficult to remove in 2012.

    So, for you folks that want to punish the GOP for Lonegan losing, should Belgard win; it will be difficult to remove her. Think about that for a moment. Giving a seat to a Democrat. That’s just wrong.

  4. While I can agree on the last part of your post I strongly disagee with your comment about me not knowing what I am talking about. 🙂 the reaction to your recent post is not an emotional one. I read as many of your posts as Facebook sticks in my news feed. I have seen you criticize Christie and even on a few occasions post in support of third party candidates. Your position on the CD3 race however appears more like you are towing the party line.

  5. @Christine …or maybe I sincerely believe that Tom MacArthur is a good, decent, conservative guy who deserves our support? By your own admission, I’m an equal opportunity critic of politicians who aren’t working for the people.

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