Report: Fmr. Torricelli Operative Fox Takes Over NJ DOT

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Governor Chris Christie will speak from his State House Outer Office at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Save Jerseyans. You can watch it live right here (below the fold)…

The topic matter? PolitickerNJ is reporting that Christie will replace New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner James Simpson with former McGreevey Department of Transportation Commissioner Jamie Fox. He’s a partisan Democrat whose resume includes high levels positions with Robert “The Torch” Torricelli and the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Did we run out of Republicans who could do the job?

In any event, Fox will once again have his hands full. The condition of New Jersey’s transportation trust fund remains a hot button issue under the dome; its health deteriorated when prior administrations (including McGreevey’s) borrowed to keep things afloat. We haven’t learned our lesson yet despite the obvious nature of the root problem. A brand new report out today (unrelated to the announcement) confirmed, again, that New Jersey’s cost of maintaining its roadways ($2 million per mile) is the worst in America. How anyone can defend the prevailing wage is beyond me…

Another note: As if robbing Peter to pay Paul isn’t bad enough, Fox backed a gas tax hike – saying it was on the table – during his last time around at NJ DOT; his party still does at present. Gov. Christie is on record opposing it. Could this be the beginning of a policy shift given the fund’s desperate status?

And while we’re on the subject, how can we save a state by recycling the machine cogs whose machine bosses brought her to the brink in the first place?


Watch live streaming video from governorchrischristie at
Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8729 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Christie resigned as governor the day after he was reelected. Funny how he didn’t address Revel….Obama had his failed energy companies, Palin her bridge to nowhere and Revel/AC is Christie’s failed pet project. Hundreds of millions of Christie bucks down the drain. Shocking there are only 2 federal grand juries out on this mess of a person.

  2. And where does Christie get this soft spot for democrats? Bad ones, dirty ones? Was Christie’s first love a democrat? Maybe his youth baseball coach was a democrat? He has such love and admiration for these NJ Democrats….He gets so giddy with them that he has to hug them, hold their hands, make dirty deals with them…..and probably down the road, go into business with them.

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